Author: everbella
The Gut-Skin Axis — How Gut Health Affects The Skin
The digestive system was once thought to be a simple system within the body. The food goes in, travels through a long tube, and anything that isn’t absorbed is excreted. Simple enough. But then why has it been the focus of so much scientific research lately?
Researchers have been aware of the gut microbiome for some time. However, it’s only recently that they have become aware of just how impactful this ecosystem of bacteria is on our overall health.
Every person has an estimated 100 trillion microorganisms in their digestive tract. These span across 300 to 500 different species of bacteria. Some of these can be harmful, but most are beneficial and even necessary to the health of your body. They contribute to immunity, cognitive function, weight management, and several other functions in the body — including skin health.
But… How?
That the health of the gut can influence the health of the skin may seem like quite a leap to make. But scientists wouldn’t make such a claim without the evidence to back it up.
Here’s how it works: disturbances in the gut caused by a poor diet or food allergies may cause increased “leaking” of certain proteins out into the body, which can, in turn, irritate the skin.
And your gut and skin have more of a connection than you may think…
The Gut-Skin Connection
The gut and the skin share a lot in common, which contributes to the gut-skin axis. Both the gut and the skin help defend against outside invaders. Additionally, they are large players in the neuroendocrine messaging system, as they have nerves that send and receive signals from the brain with the ability to send messages to other parts of the body.
Another similarity between the two is that the skin has its own microbiome that is just as important to your health as that of the gut microbiome. Although it has not yet been researched quite as much as the gut microbiome, studies have found it to be one of the most diverse microbiomes in the body. The skin flora provides protection by acting as a barrier against potential issues, so it’s important to keep it healthy.
The brain has a role to play as well, causing many to call it the gut-brain-skin axis. In this theory, stress can lead to dysbiosis in the gut. This, in turn, may lead to a poor inflammatory response, which can directly affect the skin.
Because the gut and skin can interact, they also have the ability to influence one another’s health, with the gut having a greater impact on skin health. This is what creates the gut-skin axis.
The Link Between Gut Health And Skin Health
It’s interesting to know how the gut and skin are connected in a general sense. But how are they connected when it comes to health issues?
Several studies have shown that poor skin health is more common in those with gut issues, and vice versa.
Certain skin problems, like pimples and rashes, have been found to have a direct connection with gut health. Furthermore, supporting the health of the gut has been found to also support clear, smooth, and vibrant skin.
How To Boost Gut Health
There are many ways you can help boost your gut health and in turn support the health of your skin. Here are ten that can have a positive impact:
Probiotics — probiotics are good bacteria that can improve the health of your gut and other parts of your body (ie. the skin). You can take them as a supplement or get them through fermented foods or yogurt.
Prebiotics — probiotics feed on non-digestible carbohydrates called prebiotics. These can be found in many foods, including bananas, garlic, onions, and whole grains.
Lower sugar and sweetener intake — several studies have found that both sugar and artificial sweeteners contribute to the growth of bad bacteria and can lower the counts of good bacteria.
Reduce stress — research suggests that stress — even short-lived bouts of stress — can create an imbalance in the gut flora, potentially causing issues.
Be mindful of antibiotic intake — antibiotics do a good job of killing harmful bacteria, but they can also destroy good bacteria and disrupt the microbiome. Though absolutely necessary in many cases, if you need to take antibiotics, give your gut the tools to recover by taking in probiotics following your treatment.
Exercise — regular exercise is good for, well, almost everything it seems. Research has found that those who exercise regularly had healthier microbiomes than those who did not exercise. However, it’s important to note that those who exercised likely ate better diets as well.
Get enough sleep — research has shown that irregular and poor sleeping habits can have a negative impact on the microbiome.
Use natural cleaning products — one study looked at infants in homes that used cleaning products with harsh chemicals versus those in homes using natural cleaners. Those in the chemical household had a certain bad strain of bacteria in their gut which resulted in negative health impacts years later.
Avoid smoking — research has shown that smoking increases the population of bad bacteria in the gut while lowering the population of good bacteria.
Eat less meat — vegetarians have been found to have healthier microbiomes than those who routinely eat meat. This is likely due to the fact that vegetarians are more likely to frequently eat vegetables, which contributes to a healthy gut flora.
The Health Of Your Gut Is Important
I hope that some of these tips can help you create a lovely and diverse microbiome that can support the health of your skin.
Did you know that another way to support skin health is through absorbable collagen?
In fact, collagen is a major component of your skin. If you don’t have enough of it, your skin health may be suffering…
References And Resources
7 Ways To Boost Hair Growth
Your hair is a big deal. Even just a simple style change can make you look like a completely different person. So, of course, you want to make sure your hair has as much volume and thickness as possible. To do this, you’ll need it to be as healthy as possible.
I know this is the case for me. This is why I was so frantic to find a fix for my hair when it started falling out! I read dozens of articles and tried countless techniques. Some were… completely useless if I am being honest.
But, besides an absorbable collagen… I did find a lot of other good information out there on how to promote hair growth, slow hair loss, and maintain hair health.
If your hair just isn’t staying thick, or you’re losing more than you’re growing — I’ve been there. I get it. Don’t worry. I’ve collected some of the best tips I came across in my travels that might be able to help!
But to understand hair growth, it helps to know how it grows…
Hair Growth 101
We’re born with all of the hair follicles we will ever have — about 5 million. Of those, 100,000 are on our scalp.
Our hair grows from a root at the bottom of a follicle beneath the skin. Blood goes to the follicle and supplies oxygen and nutrients to the hair root, which helps the hair grow. As hair grows, it pushes through the skin and passes by an oil gland, providing that natural shine and softness of hair. [1]
When it comes to hair loss, it’s normal to lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. But what if you’re losing more? Or what if your hair just isn’t growing back fast enough to replace this loss?
Today, we’re going to look at 7 ways to help boost hair growth!
1. Maintain Proper Nutrition
This one may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people let it fall by the wayside, or worse — how many people think they’re getting the nutrition they need, but aren’t.
Examine the foods you eat and the supplements you take. Are you eating anything that may interfere with the absorption of another crucial nutrient? Are the supplements you’re taking designed to be absorbed, or are you wasting your money?
These things are important for not just your hair health, but overall health. When your body is lacking in a certain nutrient, frankly, hair comes last. Your body will use the vitamins and minerals for more important bodily functions before hair growth.
Some of the most crucial nutrients for hair growth include:
- Biotin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Zinc
- Iron
- Omega-3 and omega-6
One study found that routinely taking omega-3 and omega-6 supplements may help protect against hair loss. [2]
Data from another study suggested that lower zinc levels may play a key role in hair loss. [3]
And a review of the literature found 18 reported cases that showed clinical improvement in both hair and nail health after biotin supplementation. [4]
A main function of B12 is to assist in the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen through the body. If you don’t have sufficient red blood cells, not enough oxygen will be able to reach the follicle and hair root, potentially stunting growth.
2. Protein
Something else that’s important to make sure you’re getting enough of is protein.
A lack of protein has been shown to promote hair loss. Since hair follicles are made largely of protein, adequate levels can keep your hair follicles strong and healthy. [5]
3. Caffeine
You read that right. Caffeine. It can give you an energy boost, and, as it turns out, it may also be able to give your hair growth a boost.
One 2014 study found that it may have growth-promoting effects on your hair. According to the study, caffeine may help promote new hair growth at the molecular, cellular, and organ levels in both men and women! [6]
Now that’s some good news.
4. Essential Oils
Essential oils not only smell nice, but some of them may also be able to help promote hair growth. Another win-win!
One study found that a daily dose of 400 milligrams of pumpkin seed oil in capsule form resulted in an increase in hair growth in men. After 24 weeks, the men who took pumpkin seed oil experienced a 40% increase in hair count! [7]
Another study looked at four groups of mice, each of which was given a different hair treatment. The treatments consisted of various solutions touted to promote hair growth. The study found that the group given peppermint oil showed the most hair growth. This included a significant increase in dermal thickness, follicle number, and follicle depth. [8]
Research has also shown that rosemary oil can have a very positive effect on restoring hair growth. [9]
5. Scalp Massage
Have you ever had your scalp massaged? You may have had it done at the hair salon, and if so, you know how nice it feels. And, according to one study, it can also boost the health of your hair.
The study examined the effectiveness of daily, 4-minute scalp massages. After 24 weeks, the researchers found that the 9 men involved in the study had thicker hair than at the start. [10]
While the study didn’t show any noticeable difference in hair growth, it’s thought that a scalp massage may help dilate blood vessels beneath the skin. This, in turn, may lead to thicker, stronger hair that’s less likely to break off or become damaged.
You can get a professional scalp massage, or do one for yourself at home. Using light to medium pressure, apply your fingertips to your scalp and move them around in small circles. Work your way around the entire scalp until everywhere has been massaged.
Even if it doesn’t make a difference, at least it feels nice!
6. Lower The Heat
The heat from curling irons, hairdryers, and straighteners can damage your hair and cause breakage. While avoiding heat styling altogether might not be an option, you may want to try limiting how often you use these tools. Decreasing the temperature of heated styling tools can also help reduce hair damage.
According to a 2011 study, using a heat protectant product before using a heated styling tool may significantly reduce hair breakage. Heat treatments work by forming a protective barrier that helps prevent moisture loss when using heated tools. [11]
To help keep your hair healthy and strong, you need to go easy on it. Which leads into my next point…
7. Hair Dyes
You may color your hair for various reasons. And you don’t have to stop completely. But it’s important to be mindful.
Though hair dyeing doesn’t inhibit hair growth, it may cause hair loss by damaging the hair. Hair dye also contains both ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which can loosen hairs, promoting hair loss. On top of that, hair dye can physically weaken hair shafts, increasing breakage-caused hair loss.
If you are going to dye your hair, look for a natural brand to try and reduce the effects. Either way, it’s going to be tough on your hair. But the better you treat your hair outside of coloring it, the less of an impact the dye will have on your hair.
The Health Of Your Hair
Ultimately, what helps your hair is being gentle with it and ensuring that your body has the nutrition it needs to allow your hair to be at its best.
I hope that these tips can help you have a head of hair that makes you feel confident and beautiful.
Remember, what worked for me was collagen that my body could actually absorb and use. If you think your hair could use a boost, EverBella’s collagen could be just the thing!
References And Resources
5 Tips To Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite
Ahh, cellulite – we have all likely experienced it.
Men and women alike. It’s a condition that affects 90% of women and 10% of men.
Cellulite is caused by a buildup of fat underneath the skin. It’s actually caused by fibrous tethers that run through your fat and pull on the fascia that lies underneath your skin, creating a dimpled appearance. It is a very common, harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen
And for some, it can go away. While with others…
It lingers.
All bodies are beautiful, with and without cellulite.
But when we see it on ourselves, we have a hard time seeing the beauty underneath it. We want to look AND feel beautiful…and most importantly – we want to love the skin we are in.
So if you have cellulite…
First, know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL no matter what…
But if you do want to try to reduce the appearance of it…
There are 5 easy tips that I personally follow to reduce the appearance of my own cellulite.
Here they are…
1. Hydrate!
Hydration is crucial for improving our circulation, so it makes sense that being properly hydrated plays a role in reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Being properly hydrated helps keep your skin healthy and plump. If you are dehydrated your cellulite may appear to be worse and more prevalent as it weakens and thins the skin.
So make sure you are drinking up that water. Eight 8 ounce glasses a day is ideal!
2. Get Those Omegas
Omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins have been said to help reduce cellulite in many individuals.
Both Omega-3s and other fat-soluble vitamins are important for many other functions in the body, so why not our skin as well?
A small study has found that the omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish may help increase skin elasticity.
My favorite source of Omega 3’s is Complete Collagen+. To say this stuff changed my life would be an understatement. Not only do I have the hair I have always wanted, but it fuels my body with some essential nutrients that I need in order to look and feel healthy. Especially when it comes to getting my Omega 3’s into me daily.
Not only does it have Omega 3’s to help tighten your skin, but also its main component is COLLAGEN. Which plays a fundamental role in the elasticity of our skin.
Collagen makes up 80% of your skin’s structure, providing firmness and strength. So when we don’t receive enough our skin can sag, stretch, and thus causes cellulite.
So taking Complete Collagen+ can help by working to tighten skin and provide you with the Omega 3’s your body desires to keep skin tight and firm. The Omega 3’s and Collagen work like a dynamic duo to tackle cellulite…and of course, it TASTES AMAZING!

3. Get Moving!
Exercise plays an important role in our skin and its appearance. Now, exercise won’t make your cellulite disappear, but it can make it less noticeable. It can help build muscle under lumpy areas making the skin appear more smooth.
If you find your cellulite is most prevalent on your legs, try some leg exercises that can help tone those areas most. The next time you go to the gym, head to a machine that can really focus on your legs. Even bike riding is a great way to tone your legs!
4. Massage The Skin
Try massaging or dry brushing the areas where you see your cellulite the most, giving them a firm rubdown. You can also use a deep-tissue roller.
Massages may reduce cellulite by improving lymphatic drainage. It can also help stretch your skin tissue, which may help stretch out cellulite dimples as well. Massaging the skin can help improve blood flow and remove excess fluid, which can cause lumpy-looking skin.
And this should be done repeatedly if you can. Repeating the process is ideal to achieve and maintain the skin you want.
5. Caffeine
Caffeine can be found in almost every cellulite-reducing product. And this is because it helps blood flow to the skin.
Now, there are 2 ways you can utilize caffeine to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
The first being a caffeine lotion. Caffeine causes the blood vessels to constrict and the fat cells to temporarily shrink. Applying a lotion with ample amounts of caffeine can help temporarily smooth and tighten your skin.
The other – coffee scrubs.
The massage and exfoliation benefit the skin by stimulating blood and lymph flow, while the caffeine itself works to have a tightening effect.
When used topically, a ground-coffee exfoliant can help minimize the appearance of cellulite by stimulating lymphatic drainage while the caffeine content can work to tighten and plump the skin. Caffeine can also dehydrate our fat cells, which means it can deflate and reduce the appearance of our cellulite.
We only get one body, so it’s important for us to love how we feel and look. So if you have some cellulite and would feel more comfortable with it looking a little less prevalent, try these tips and see how they can help you.
Stay beautiful!
Deep Cleansing Lemon Hair Scrub
Face scrubs are all the craze and they are great for us – but what about our hair and scalp?
We should be showing our hair and scalp the same love as our skin.
Of course, we all want nourished and healthy hair.
And there are plenty of foods we can eat to help give our hair the nourishment it desires…
But just like our face, we can also add in a nice pampering scrub every now and then.
This is an at-home hair scrub your hair will absolutely LOVE!
The complimenting ingredients will work as a powerful exfoliator and help shed any skin and lose any oil that may be clogging your hair follicles while also hydrating the scalp.
It contains just sea salt, lemon juice, and olive oil. Only 3 ingredients but AMPLE nutrition!

Okay, let’s get started!
Here’s what you need to grab:
- 2 tbsp of sea salt — Salt helps loosen and remove existing flakes while stimulating circulation for a healthy scalp. It also absorbs excess oil and moisture to help prevent fungal growth and lessen the chances of dandruff.
- 2 tbsp of lemon juice — Lemon juice can cleanse the scalp and hair follicles, while restoring healthy pH levels, and removing build-up of hair products, oils, and pollutants.
- 2 tbsp of olive oil — Olive oil is loaded with vitamins A and E which help fight free radicals that can trigger hair loss.
- Combine all ingredients into a bowl
- Apply the mixture to damp hair while massaging it into the scalp
- Leave on for 10-15 minutes to let it soak in well
- Rinse well with warm water and continue to shampoo and condition as usual
And there you have it!
A super simple but powerful DIY hair scrub that will leave your scalp feeling the love it deserves!
5 Tips For Unwinding & Easing Your Mind
We tend to live life in the fast lane. By juggling work, home life, and a social life, it makes it hard for us to make time for ourselves.
So many of us are just GO GO GO all the time (I know I am)!
Between work life, farm life, and the additional aspect of motherhood in the coming future……here isn’t much time to sit and just relax.
But I have come to realize that even if I don’t feel like I have the time to unwind, I HAVE to make time!
One thing I have always told myself is that “life doesn’t stop just because I do.”
And while I still believe this to be true..
I also know I need ME time.
I need set time each day to unwind, relax my mind, and decompress.
Easier said than done right?
I thought it was going to be impossible.
BUT there are some tips and self care guidelines that I follow to ensure I am taking time to care for myself each day.
They have been a HUGE help to me and I hope they are for you too!
When we feel more relaxed, it’s not just good for our mind but our overall health as well.
In fact, stress can really take a toll on our physical well being…
It can weaken our immune systems, impede our sleep, raise our blood pressure, upset our digestive system and more…
And it all starts with our minds.
If we can clear our minds of stress, we can get our bodies on the right track and feel our best on both the inside and outside!
Let me tell you about my FIVE TIPS for easing my mind and clearing up some mental clutter!
Five Tips to Unwind and Ease The Mind
1. Meditation
Meditation has been a widely used way for us to relax for CENTURIES! It has exploded in popularity because it’s an easy and effective way for us to focus on our breathing and relax our minds.
I personally spend 15-20 minutes each day on my meditation. Now, the time of day may depend on your schedule. For me, I like to meditate first thing in the morning when the sun is coming up and the birds are chirping. The harmonic sounds of the morning songbirds help guide me into my breathing.
I sit in my sunroom as I watch the sun come up. With my hands in my lap, I sit with my legs crossed and I close my eyes as I focus on the songbirds (or the rain if it is a rainy day). Once I have my focus, I then switch to my breathing.
If you don’t have a peaceful surrounding (heavy traffic for example) try to find the most quiet room in your house and focus only on your breathing. If that doesn’t work, try putting on headphones and listen to meditative music or sounds of nature before focusing on your breathing.
The moment you breathe in deeply, it sends a message to the brain to relax. Keep your eyes closed and focus on the inhale and exhales. This will help clear your mind and relax your body as well. In breathing this way, it can immediately slow down the heart rate and blood pressure. It also reduces the production of stress hormones.
To steady your breathing, try inhaling while counting to and then exhaling for the count of ten.
You can also do this in the evening to end your day if you have had a very stressful day. In doing so, you can help rid your mind of any excess thoughts before bed so you can relax and sleep more deeply.

2. Music
Bob Marley once said “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain”.
And I hold this to be very true.
Granted, there are some songs that may trigger unhappy memories… but music can speak for us when we have no words and calm us when we need it.
I find music to be such a great way to escape my own mind. I listen to it when I shower, when I cook, when I work, when I exercise, and when I am just having alone time to decompress.
Listening to music can help us escape the moment, which helps us relax and unwind. And whatever that music may be – listen to it!
But, in order for it to be truly relaxing, it shouldn’t get your heart beating too fast. For relaxation, you want something that calms you. Now this doesn’t mean you have to listen to classical music. Your music selection can be any genre that you feel eases your mind. Once the music is playing and you find yourself unwinding, you can begin to let your mind wander and allow the stress from the day to roll away.

3. Writing
Writing has been a unique form of expression for years and years. It gets the thoughts we have swimming around onto paper-which can help clear our head of all that clutter.
Writing reduces stress as it helps us process our thoughts and emotions. It helps us think critically and review a situation in a different light. Sometimes it can simply get the words out when we don’t quite know how else to express them.
I keep a daily journal that allows me to get my thoughts into words and release any pent up emotion.. I find that it helps me to have a clear mind when I don’t hold anything in and just write everything as it comes.
Writing is a great tool as it lets us release our thoughts and feelings without judgement. No one has to see what you’re writing. It can be as confidential as you want.
Do you have a head full of thoughts that you just need to get out? Put some pen to paper and just let it flow (even if it makes no sense). By eliminating the words and thoughts from your mind, it will help you to feel destressed and clear minded.

4. Exercise
Exercise doesn’t have to be fast paced or overly exerting if you want to feel relaxed. Walking and yoga are great exercises to help unwind. Check out my benefits of yoga article here to see how Yoga can help your body and mind!
Exercise aids in providing stress relief for the body while imitating \the flight or fight response. Through physical exertion and this response, your body receives positive effects including support to your cardiovascular system, digestive system, and immune system. By activating these systems, you are helping your body release stress and feel your best.
Walking specifically is a great relaxing way to exercise. I love putting my headphones on and going for a stroll with my dog Lincoln.
Studies have shown that walking promotes the release of brain chemicals called endorphins that stimulate relaxation and improve our mood.

5. Make Time For Yourself
Self care is one of the most important tips for overall health. Our mental and physical wellbeing go hand in hand and they each need to be taken care of for us to be healthy.
Making some time for yourself is crucial. Even if it’s not daily… Every other day or a few times a week will help you destress. This could be just having a nice soak or enjoying a drink outside on a sunny day. Whatever brings you joy, you should do it!

And it doesn’t even have to be solo. Have a date night with your spouse, go out for dinner with friends, or anything that helps you unwind and enjoy yourself.
You work hard-and you deserve to let loose – whatever that may be!
The more relaxed we are, the more we feel like ourselves. We feel more capable of taking on the next day and can feel rejuvenated to tackle anything that gets thrown at us! It gives us a more positive outlook on life which can go a long way!
Life isn’t easy, and our minds can take a beating. But, we can learn to empty out that mind of ours and make room for more positive thoughts!
Stay relaxed friends!
Foods For Healthy & Nourished Skin
Do you want healthier looking skin?
So many of us do – men and women alike.
And one thing we all have in common when it comes to skin…
Is that it’s affected by our diet!
Whether you realize it or not, your diet is KEY to healthy and nourished skin.
In fact, what you eat is essential for your body in so many ways like providing proper nutrition to fuel your cells, giving you energy, keeping your heart healthy, allowing your brain to function at its best…
And enabling your skin to look and feel amazing!
Similar to what we eat for our overall health, we need to ensure it is the best food possible. As always, it is about the ingredients. We need foods with ample nutrition which means full of vitamins and minerals to nourish our body.
What we put into our body doesn’t just affect us on the inside, but it also greatly affects us on the OUTSIDE too – Especially when it comes to our skin.
Foods with a high glycemic index (which contain sugar and refined grains) can wreak havoc on your skin. Plus, they are not ideal for your internal health either…
So the next time you want a sugary snack, think again.
Instead, reach for something that will benefit your skin and nourish you on the inside too!
Try These Foods For Healthy, Glowing Skin!
Nuts: Walnuts, Cashews & Almonds
Walnuts can increase collagen production because they are high in omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, they are higher in Omega 3’s more than any other nut. Walnut’s rich omega-3 content also helps reduce stress and diminish the risk of heart disease. And, believe it or not, stress can play a huge factor in your skin quality, leading to breakouts from hormonal spikes. So less stress can equal healthier and more clear skin.
Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent signs of aging caused by free radicals and are also packed with essential fatty acids, protein, and fiber. Vitamin E also works to keep the blood vessels dilated in order to keep the skin hydrated and can help protect the skin against some skin disorders like acne and eczema. They also contain Linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that can help prevent dry skin.
Cashews are high in selenium, which acts as an antioxidant with vitamin E. They also contain zinc, which works to promote immune function for healing and cell growth that can renew and replenish infected or damaged acne areas.
So toss a handful of these yummy nuts into your next salad or enjoy a handful as a nutritious snack!
Carrots can protect your skin from the sun’s rays. The beta carotene in carrots works as a skin-friendly nutrient that gets converted to vitamin A within the body. It helps repair skin tissues while also protecting skin from harmful radiation-including sun damage.
It has been found that a carotenoid rich diet can protect your skin from UV damage and improve overall skin appearance.
Craving a midday snack? Have a bowl of raw carrots! And make it more fun by adding some tasty humus!
Kale & Spinach
These 2 leafy greens are nutritional powerhouses for us.
Spinach contains vitamins A, C, and K, which all work synergistically to help skin enhance its radiance and can help heal the skin from scars and sun damage.
Kale is rich in vitamins C, E, and K, which work together to help the skin look younger and healthier. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that’s great for brightening your skin’s appearance; it can help us with a brighter complexion and can get rid of those pesky fine lines.
Avocados are a great source of biotin, which is part of the B complex vitamins. Biotin is known to help prevent dry skin when applied topically. It can also help prevent brittle hair and nails.
Studies have shown that avocados contain compounds that may help protect your skin from sun damage and inflammation. Ultraviolet damage to your skin can cause wrinkles, as well as other signs of aging, and skin cancer.
Avocados are one of those great foods that can be used in so many DIY face masks and scrubs (check out my avocado face mask recipe here). And, of course, it’s a delicious treat on crackers, toast, or simply sliced with salt and pepper.
Cucumbers are widely used topically for their ample skin benefits. They contain flavonoids and antioxidants that can help decrease swelling, redness and irritation. They are loaded with lots of nutrients like water, potassium, sulfate and vitamins A and C that soothe skin conditions like sunburns.
You can add them to your water, enjoy them as a snack, or chop them into a tasty salad. You can even apply them right to your face under your eyes or place them on a sunburn if you spend a little too much time in the sun!
Eggs are a great food for us! Egg yolks are rich in fatty acids which can work to moisturize our skin. And the egg whites contain albumin, which is a form of protein that can help tighten pores and work to remove excess oil from the skin. Egg yolks and whites work as a dynamic duo together to tackle DRY and OILY skin.
Eggs are a great food to have in the morning for breakfast. Omelets, scrambled eggs, or even just a hard boiled egg! The sky’s the limit with what you can do with eggs!
Berries: Blueberries, Raspberries and Strawberries OH MY!
Berries taste great and are great at satisfying a sweet tooth. But not only do they taste great, they also work wonders for your skin as they are packed with antioxidants! Antioxidants protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun.
Blueberries are vascular constrictors, which means they help decrease redness for people with sensitive skin.
Strawberries contain Vitamin C which helps activate the production of collagen fibers that keep your skin smooth and soft.
Raspberries can also help protect the skin from the sun and any damage caused by the sun.
Berries are super versatile too! You can enjoy them on their own, in a fruit salad, in a smoothie- the possibilities are endless!
Tomatoes have a plethora of nutrients that are great for our skin! They are loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants. They contain lycopene, potassium, beta carotene, vitamin A as well as vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6 AND B9.
The potassium content in tomatoes is especially helpful as studies have shown that a decreased level of potassium in the body may contribute to dry skin in those with a type of eczema known as atopic dermatitis.
The vitamin C, E and beta carotene content in tomatoes work to even out skin tone and brighten the skin. The variety of B vitamins also help combat early signs of aging, while the lycopene works to help remove dark spots as well as lighten the skin to make it look brighter and a more even skin tone.
Tomatoes are one of those great foods that can be used TOPICALLY as well for skin (just like avocado). There are a ton of great beauty regimens out there that involve tomatoes. Like an avocado and tomato face application.
Try making a paste from tomato pulp and mashed avocado. Rub it gently over the face for a few mins and then wash it with a cleanser. This easy application can help you on the path to younger looking skin!
So on your next supermarket or farmers market trip- be sure to seek out these yummy foods and fuel your skin AND your body!