Collagen is NOT Just for Women!

A common misconception about collagen is that it is just intended for women. But the truth is… Men need collagen too! Why should anyone miss out on the opportunity to look and feel our best every day?

So, for the guys out there – If you are looking at Complete Collagen+ and wondering, “Can this help me too?” The answer is a resounding YES! Complete Collagen+ worked absolute wonders for me (check out my story here), but that doesn’t mean it is just meant for women. We can ALL benefit from such an amazing product. So gentlemen… Fear not. Let’s get into just HOW this product can specifically benefit us all, men and women!

Collagen for Hair Growth

Collagen is a special protein that makes up the important structural components of our bodies. Long, chain-like molecules form to support tissues like skin, ligaments, tendons, bones, and internal organs. Collagen production keeps our skin stretchy and elastic, allows us to heal after injury, and keeps our joints strong and flexible as we move our bodies [1]. 

The health of our hair, skin, bones, joints, tendons, and organs is not just important for women, it’s important for men too! 

But, let’s focus on hair here for a moment, as hair loss can be a scary thing! Even for men. 

A 2014 survey by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, saw that approximately 35 million men in the United States suffer from some form of hair loss while approximately 21 million women are affected by hair loss. [2]

Furthermore, the American Hair Loss Association says that by the age of 35, two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of hair loss… And by the age of 50, approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. [3]

Collagen levels in our body decline as we age. It’s thought that after age 20, collagen levels decrease by 1-1.5% every year! This can be amplified even further due to poor habits like excessive alcohol or tobacco use, too much sun exposure, and excessive intake of added sugar. [4]

When we lose collagen in our bodies, it can lead to hair loss. 

You see, collagen is a protein that holds the dermal layer of our hair and the follicles together, which in turn keeps our hair strong and healthy. When our collagen production slows down as we age, our hair follicles become brittle. And when the dermal layers get dried up, it can result in hair loss. [1]

It’s clear that hair loss is a valid concern for both men and women. And, collagen is an integral part of having strong and healthy hair. If you notice a bit of hair in the drain in your shower or some thinning beginning to show, it might be a good idea to start supplementing with collagen. Nip that hair loss in the bud before it takes over fully!

Collagen for Muscle Mass

Because collagen is so important for the development and maintenance of most of our body’s tissues, it is thought to be helpful for muscle mass. There are ample amounts of amino acids in collagen – such as glycine, glutamine, and arginine – which play an important role in supporting a healthy metabolism and muscle mass. 

Additionally, one experimental study found that collagen supplementation was important for building muscle, and increasing muscle strength in older men. [6] So, fuel up with collagen before you head to the gym later. Your muscles will thank you!

Collagen and Joint Support

Collagen can also work as an important factor in building, repairing and also maintaining the cartilage in our joints. If you have regular wear and tear, work out a lot, or just have a very active lifestyle, some of your cartilage could be worn or damaged. 

This can be problematic as our joints rely on the cushioning that the surrounding tissue and cartilage provide. Once the cartilage is damaged, you may experience joint discomfort and general stiffness (which can make it very difficult to get out of bed in the morning). A number of studies have found that collagen can help support the tissue and cartilage that make our joints work smoothly and move effortlessly.  This is especially true for individuals experiencing the pain and discomfort associated with osteoarthritis. [7-8]

So, it’s clear that collagen is beneficial for all of us!

More Anti-Aging Ingredients

Not only is Complete Collagen+ full of collagen… But it also has other super beneficial ingredients like MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), Algal DHA (Omega 3 Fatty Acids), and Vitamin E.

All of these ingredients combined make for a product that both men and women can enjoy to look and feel their best.

What Are You Waiting For? Try Complete Collagen+ today.


  1. “Collagen.” Physiopedia, 
  3. Statistic Brain. “Hair Loss and Baldness Statistics.” Statistic Brain, 1 June 2018, 
  4. “Collagen Synthesis.” Collagen Synthesis – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, 
  5. Association, American Hair Loss. American Hair Loss Association – Men’s Hair Loss / Introduction, 
  6. Zdzieblik D, Oesser S, Baumstark MW, Gollhofer A, König D. Collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training improves body composition and increases muscle strength in elderly sarcopenic men: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Nutr. 2015;114(8):1237-1245. doi:10.1017/S0007114515002810
  7. Clark KL, Sebastianelli W, Flechsenhar KR, Aukermann DF, Meza F, Millard RL, Deitch JR, Sherbondy PS, Albert A. 24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain. Curr Med Res Opin. 2008 May;24(5):1485-96. doi: 10.1185/030079908×291967. Epub 2008 Apr 15. PMID: 18416885.
  8. Bello AE, Oesser S. Collagen hydrolysate for the treatment of osteoarthritis and other joint disorders: a review of the literature. Curr Med Res Opin. 2006 Nov;22(11):2221-32. doi: 10.1185/030079906X148373. PMID: 17076983.
  9. Kinsella, R., et al. “Coconut Oil Has Less Satiating Properties than Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil.” Physiology & Behavior, Elsevier, 6 July 2017,
  10. Neukam K, De Spirt S, Stahl W, Bejot M, Maurette JM, Tronnier H, Heinrich U. Supplementation of flaxseed oil diminishes skin sensitivity and improves skin barrier function and condition. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2011;24(2):67-74. doi: 10.1159/000321442. Epub 2010 Nov 18. PMID: 21088453. 
  11. Almohanna HM, Ahmed AA, Tsatalis JP, Tosti A. The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2019;9(1):51-70. doi:10.1007/s13555-018-0278-6

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

2.3 million – that is the number of women who were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020. 

Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in women worldwide. Luckily, our ability to diagnose and treat breast cancer in women has improved significantly over time. With early diagnosis, the probability of survival has risen to 90%! [1]

So, in honor of breast cancer awareness month, I want to take the time to go through some of the preventative measures that every woman should take for long and healthy lives.

Check your breasts regularly 

All women should get in the habit of doing a self-breast check every month. Breast cancer may start to show up as changes in the breast tissue. This may look and/or feel like:

  • Change in breast shape or size
  • Hard lumps 
  • Inverted nipple
  • Dimpling or puckering of the skin on or around the breast
  • Redness or scaliness of the breast skin or nipple 
  • Discharge of secretions from the nipple

Some of these symptoms may be obvious, but it’s also important to do a more in-depth exam on a regular basis in case the signs are more subtle. Perform your self-exam once a month, around 7-10 days after your menstrual period begins , or if you do not menstruate, on a single day that you will remember every month (the first of the month is usually a good day to remember).

Check both breasts in the shower, and feel for any of the tissue changes mentioned above. It’s also important to self-examine in the mirror, to check for any symptoms you aren’t able to feel, but may be able to see. And last, perform your exam once more laying flat on the ground or in bed. This allows you to check for spots that you may have not felt standing up, and also to examine your armpit region for swollen lymph nodes. 

If you do feel a lump, or any changes in your breast tissue, don’t panic. Eight out of every 10 lumps found are non-cancerous, but it is important to bring this to your physician as soon as possible. If you do have a cancerous tumor, it’s better to catch it sooner rather than later. [2]

Yearly mammograms

Women over the age of 40, should look into scheduling mammograms every year, or every other year, for early breast cancer detection. A mammogram is a special x-ray of the breast that detects changes in the breasts that might indicate cancerous tissue. While not always 100% accurate, the mammogram is an important tool for cancer screening.

Stay on top of your yearly appointments to stay on top of your health, and increase your chances of early detection!

Know your risk factors

The two most significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender and age. Though men are able to develop breast cancer, the risk is significantly higher in women. Additionally, risk of breast cancer increases in individuals over the age of 40, and more so as they continue to age.

Additional risk factors for breast cancer include:

  • Obesity
  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Use of tobacco
  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Radiation exposure
  • Reproductive history i.e. the age you began your period or had your first pregnancy
  • Postmenopausal hormone therapy [1]

It’s important to know your risk factors, as this may help you determine how often you should be screened for breast cancer, and what lifestyle choices you should make to reduce your risk. While some risk factors are not within your control, there are many that are. Following a healthy diet, drinking low to moderate amounts of alcohol, and cessation of smoking are all important behaviors to help modify your risk of cancer. 

Be your own advocate

You know yourself best. While your physician has your best interest at heart, healthcare providers aren’t perfect! I’ve heard countless stories of women who went to see a doctor when they felt like something was wrong, only to be sent home with a clean bill of health. However, that wasn’t always the case. 

Sometimes, breast tissue biopsies show false negatives.

Sometimes, mammograms miss cancer. One study suggested that these tests may miss up to 15% of positive breast cancer cases. [3]

Sometimes, doctors don’t hear your concerns.

If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instinct. Be an advocate for your own health, and don’t be afraid to push back when you don’t feel like your concerns are being heard. I know of lives that have been saved because of self-advocacy. 

Give a hug to those impacted by cancer

With such a high prevalence of breast cancer worldwide, it seems that many of us have been impacted by this disease in some way. Cancer touches many of us, whether we have personal experience, know a family member who lost their life, or stood alongside a friend as they fought through chemotherapy and radiation. 

Your support means the world. Give a cancer survivor a hug! Offer a hot meal to those who are fighting for remission! Share this article with your mothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, grandmothers, friends, and colleagues, and encourage the women in your life to be proactive about their health. Remember, early diagnosis of breast cancer can be a life-saving discovery. 


  1. “Breast Cancer.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization. 
  2. “How Often Should I Do a Breast Self Exam (BSE)?” National Breast Cancer Foundation, 2 Aug. 2021
  3. Chan, C.H.F., Coopey, S.B., Freer, P.E. et al. False-negative rate of combined mammography and ultrasound for women with palpable breast masses. Breast Cancer Res Treat 153, 699–702 (2015).

Want Beautiful Skin? Avoid These Five Mistakes.

When it comes to maintaining beautiful skin, it seems there are a million factors to balance. Serums, moisturizing, sun exposure, supplements, medication… sometimes, it can feel like the planets need to align for you to find your perfect skincare routine. 

However, the problem may not be that you’re not doing enough, but sometimes it can be that you’re doing too much. In this article, we want to walk you through some of the most common skincare mistakes that people make, and how you can achieve better results with your skin by doing less. 


Exfoliation is a great way to rid your skin of the dead cells that accumulate on your face, making it rough and dull. However, skincare experts recommend that you exfoliate no more than once or twice a week, and note that exfoliating more than that can actually harm your skin.

Both physical and chemical exfoliation treatments are usually abrasive, and overdoing it can irritate and weaken the soft and delicate skin on your face. The most obvious signs that you are over-exfoliating are:

  • Redness and irritation
  • Inflammation
  • Dry, patchy skin
  • Small, bumpy breakouts

So, if you think you might be exfoliating a little too often, save yourself some time and cut back to 1-2 times weekly. Your skin will thank you for the break! 

Skipping Sunscreen 

While the sun can help you achieve that healthy-looking glow for a season or two, long-term sun damage will wreak havoc on your skin! UV light can be dangerous without protection – the skin will produce more melanin to shield itself from the sun’s rays, but usually not before injury occurs. 

UV damage to the skin over time may result in altered texture and loss of elasticity, both of which contribute to premature aging. Even more seriously, unprotected sun exposure can lead to skin cancer, which can be fatal. 

So, for beautiful skin, you don’t necessarily need a 12-step skincare plan, but you do need sunscreen! Follow these tips to protect yourself and your skin:

  • Make sure to look for an SPF of at least 30
  • Wear SPF every day, whether it’s sunny or not (you can still burn on a cloudy day!)
  • Reapply every 2 hours, if you’ve been sweating or swimming
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for long periods of time while the sun’s rays are at their strongest, usually between 10-2 PM (*Pro Tip: You can tell when the sun’s rays are at their strongest by looking down. When your shadow is longer than you are tall, avoid direct sunlight for long periods of time)

Touching Your Face

Your hands come into direct contact with a TON of bacteria. Doorknobs, your cellphone, computers and laptops, the handle to flush the toilet, the toilet seat, TV remotes, other hands… you get the point. Unless we are washing our hands after every single time we come into contact with another person or surface, that bacteria can easily spread everywhere. Including our face, neck, hairline, chest, and anywhere else you might experience a breakout.

Touching your skin with dirty hands can transfer bacteria, which can clog pores and cause breakouts. Not to mention, this can also transfer more harmful bacteria and viruses that might make you sick. To keep your skin healthy and clean, wash your hands frequently, and do your best to avoid touching your face!

Not Washing Your Pillowcase 

Just like touching your skin with dirty hands can increase your risk of clogged pores and breakouts, not washing your pillowcase regularly can mean a buildup of bacteria! When you sleep at night, you are likely transferring bacteria, dirt, oil, and even leftover makeup from your face to your pillowcase. Washing it once a week can be an effective way to keep your skin clean and clear. 


Did you know that your body is mostly made up of water? A lot of that water is stored in your skin, to keep it plump and elastic. Additionally, water circulates in our bodies to transport important nutrients, regulate our temperature, and clear toxins from our system. We need a lot of water daily to keep our body and skin healthy! 

When you’re dehydrated, water is pulled from your skin to help our internal organs function properly. This can leave it feeling dry, and prone to damage. It is important to stay hydrated to help maintain our skin’s health and appearance. Research has found that improving water intake can be helpful in improving the skin’s appearance, especially for those who are chronically dehydrated. [1] However, skincare expert, Kathleen C. Suozzi, MD, director of aesthetic dermatology at Yale Medicine and assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, notes “Excessive hydration is unlikely to benefit the skin.”

So, aim for about 64 oz of water daily (that’s eight 8 oz glasses of water), to optimally hydrate your body and your skin!

You can optimize your skincare routine by avoiding these common mistakes. Another great way to build up your daily skin routine is with Complete Collagen+.

The powerful ingredients of this supplement provide you with amazing benefits for your skin and hair. It’s a true powerhouse supplement!


  1. Palma L, Marques LT, Bujan J, Rodrigues LM. Dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2015;8:413-421. Published 2015 Aug 3. doi:10.2147/CCID.S86822

Why You Need Collagen and Vitamin C

Collagen is a special protein that makes up the important structural components of our bodies. Long, chain-like molecules form to support tissues like skin, ligaments, tendons, bones, and internal organs. Collagen production keeps our skin stretchy and elastic, allows us to heal after injury, and keeps our joints strong and flexible as we move our bodies [1]. 

It’s important to note that collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It makes up about a third of our total protein, accounts for about 75% of our skin, and about 60% of our cartilage [2-4]. We need a lot of collagen to keep ourselves looking and feeling our best. And, considering that natural collagen production drops off around age 20, and continues to decrease over time, it’s important for us to continue to optimize our collagen intake as we age. [5]

Optimizing Collagen Production

If we want to optimize our collagen stores and production, there is another important nutrient we need to consider – vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is important for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body, especially bones, muscles, and skin. Collagen and vitamin C work together: vitamin C is necessary for collagen production, and vitamin C deficiency can lead to collagen destabilization and weakened structure of the protein. [6]

Vitamin C also plays an important role in our bodies, acting as an antioxidant and protecting against harmful free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage the healthy cells in our bodies in order to stabilize themselves. We accumulate free radicals from environmental exposure to toxins, such as tobacco smoke and UV light, and also as a natural byproduct of our body’s metabolic processes. Vitamin C, and other antioxidants, protect against these free radicals by stabilizing and neutralizing them, rendering them benign. [7]

So, should you boost your vitamin C along with your daily dose of collagen? Let’s dig a little bit deeper into the science-backed benefits of this dynamic duo.


Collagen is known to play an important role in our skin’s elasticity, hydration, and texture. As mentioned previously, collagen production begins to drop off around age 20, and continues to decrease as we age. It is estimated that collagen production decreases by a minimum of 1-1.5% every year. This decrease can be accelerated even more with certain behaviors, like smoking and exposing the skin excessively to UV light. Due to this decrease of natural collagen production, there have been many studies to explore the effect of collagen supplementation on improving skin elasticity, hydration, and texture in an aging population. The evidence supports that collagen supplementation is an effective way to increase collagen synthesis and reduce the appearance of aging [8-10]. 

Additionally, vitamin C plays an important role in skin health and protection. It does this in a few different ways. We know that collagen is highly dependent on vitamin C – without it, collagen would lose its strength, and the rate of synthesis would decrease significantly. Research has proven that collagen-producing cells replicate much quicker in the presence of vitamin C compared to cells without vitamin C. [5] Vitamin C also plays an active role in protecting your skin from the damage that UV rays cause when you get sunburned (though you should still wear sunscreen!). And last, there is some evidence to show that vitamin C inhibits melanin production, which essentially means that vitamin C can help prevent and repair those stubborn dark spots on your skin. [12] 

Now, while it seems that vitamin C and collagen both play an important role in the aesthetic appearance of our skin, it’s also important to note that they both contribute to the structural integrity of our skin and body as well. 


Though deficiency is very uncommon, it is known that low vitamin C levels are associated with gradual loss of skin function, such as poor wound healing. This decreased ability to heal is closely related to vitamin C’s role in producing collagen. Collagen is a key component in wound healing, and is involved in the creation of scar tissues that forms as a means of strengthening broken skin. 

The relationship between collagen, vitamin C, and healing is not just limited to the skin either. There is evidence to suggest that vitamin C supplementation results in increased collagen synthesis and accelerated healing after bone fractures. [13] 

The role that vitamin C plays in increasing collagen synthesis is very important. Without adequate vitamin C, the collagen in our bodies would be weak and unstable, and our ability to recover from wounds would be compromised. It’s been shown that improving collagen production helps improve our ability to heal soft tissue injuries, may help prevent re-injury, and may reduce the symptoms associated with diseases that affect our joints, like osteoarthritis. [14-16] 

So, it seems fair to say that in optimizing the health and appearance of our skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones, we need adequate amounts of vitamin C and collagen. Because natural collagen levels slowly decline as the years go on, it’s important to supplement to make sure you’re getting enough! For a simple way to promote healthy skin and healing, try Complete Collagen+. Just one serving a day can provide your body with 1000mg of collagen! Make sure to pair your collagen with vitamin C, to optimize the effects of collagen. We love PuraTHRIVE’s Micelle Liposomal Vitamin C – it’s a carefully crafted Vitamin C supplement designed with improved absorption and potency in mind.


  1. “Collagen.” Physiopedia, 
  2. “Collagen.” The Nutrition Source, 27 May 2021, 
  3. Mandal, Dr. Ananya. “What Is Collagen?” News, 5 June 2019,,the%20whole%2Dbody%20protein%20content. 
  4. “An Overview of Your Skin.” Cleveland Clinic,,off%20wrinkles%20and%20fine%20lines. 
  5. “Collagen Synthesis.” Collagen Synthesis – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, 
  6. Reilly DM, Lozano J. Skin collagen through the lifestages: importance for skin health and beauty. Plast Aesthet Res 2021;8:2.
  7. “Understanding Antioxidants.” Harvard Health, 10 Jan. 2019,
  8. Bolke L, Schlippe G, Gerß J, Voss W. A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study. Nutrients. 2019;11(10):2494. Published 2019 Oct 17. doi:10.3390/nu11102494
  9. de Miranda RB, Weimer P, Rossi RC. Effects of hydrolyzed collagen supplementation on skin aging: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Dermatol. 2021 Mar 20. doi: 10.1111/ijd.15518. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33742704.
  10. Choi FD, Sung CT, Juhasz ML, Mesinkovsk NA. Oral Collagen Supplementation: A Systematic Review of Dermatological Applications. J Drugs Dermatol. 2019 Jan 1;18(1):9-16. PMID: 30681787.
  11. Phillips CL, Combs SB, Pinnell SR. Effects of ascorbic acid on proliferation and collagen synthesis in relation to the donor age of human dermal fibroblasts. J Invest Dermatol. 1994 Aug;103(2):228-32. doi: 10.1111/1523-1747.ep12393187. PMID: 7518857.
  12. Pullar JM, Carr AC, Vissers MCM. The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients. 2017;9(8):866. Published 2017 Aug 12. doi:10.3390/nu9080866
  13. DePhillipo NN, Aman ZS, Kennedy MI, Begley JP, Moatshe G, LaPrade RF. Efficacy of Vitamin C Supplementation on Collagen Synthesis and Oxidative Stress After Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Systematic Review. Orthop J Sports Med. 2018;6(10):2325967118804544. Published 2018 Oct 25. doi:10.1177/2325967118804544
  14. Clark, K. L., Sebastianelli, W., Flechsenhar, K. R., Aukermann, D. F., Meza, F., Millard, R. L., & Albert, A. (2008). 24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain. Current medical research and opinion, 24(5), 1485-1496.
  15. Zdzieblik, D., Oesser, S., Gollhofer, A., & König, D. (2017). Improvement of activity-related knee joint discomfort following supplementation of specific collagen peptides. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 42(6), 588-595.
  16. Lis, D. M., & Baar, K. (2019). Effects of Different Vitamin C–Enriched Collagen Derivatives on Collagen Synthesis. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 29(5), 526-531.

7 Benefits of DHA – Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important, so you have likely heard about some of the benefits of them, especially DHA. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid essential for both our brain and body.  

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most widely studied and support beneficial nutrients.

Here are 7 ways Omega-3 fatty acids can benefit us:

1. Helps Fight Inflammation and Strengthen Bones

Omega-3 fats such as DHA can have very beneficial anti-inflammatory effects on our bodies.

DHA’s anti-inflammatory properties may reduce the risk of chronic diseases that are common with age, such as heart and gum disease, and improve autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, which can cause joint pain.

In a 10-week study in 38 people with rheumatoid arthritis, 2,100 mg of DHA daily decreased the number of swollen joints by 28%, compared to a typical placebo.

Other studies show that omega-3s can also improve bone strength by boosting the amount of calcium in your bones, which should lead to a reduced risk of osteoporosis.

Adding DHA – Omega 3’s into your diet can help alleviate inflammation you may be experiencing.

2. May Improve Heart Health

Having a healthy heart is crucial for our overall health. Our heart is what keeps us going – which is why it is called our ‘ticker’.

DHA – Omega 3’s work to decrease our blood triglycerides and increase our ‘good’ HDL cholesterol which can improve our overall cholesterol levels.

Omega-3s can help keep blood platelets from clumping together –  which helps to prevent the formation of harmful blood clots. They also help to keep our arteries clear by working to prevent plaque that can restrict and harden the arteries.

Omega-3s can also help to reduce blood pressure levels in those with high blood pressure.

3. Helps Aid In Mental Health Support

Depression is one of the most common illnesses worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that  3.8% of the population is affected with depression, including 5.0% among adults and 5.7% among adults older than 60 years.  Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression.

DHA aids the body in serotonin, a nerve messenger which can help balance your mood. The anti-inflammatory effects of these omega-3 fats on nerve cells may reduce depression.

Studies have shown that consistent intake of Omega- 3’s can help to reduce the likelihood of depression and anxiety.

4. Can Improve Eye Health

DHA is a major structural component of the retina of the eye.

When you don’t get enough DHA, vision problems may arise, such as dry eyes, vision problems, and an increase in eye pressure. 

Ensuring sufficient amounts of omega-3 are consumed, is linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration, one of the world’s leading causes of permanent eye damage and blindness.

5. May Improve Your Sleep

We all need sleep for optimal health. Sleep deprivation has been linked to many illnesses such as diabetes and depression. 

Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids are commonly associated with sleep problems in children and obstructive sleep apnea in adults.

Low levels of DHA are also linked to lower levels of melatonin, which helps you fall asleep.

Studies conducted  in both children and adults showed that supplementing with omega-3 increases the length as well as the quality of sleep 

6. Helps Fight Autoimmune Diseases

Having an autoimmune disease results in the immune system mistaking healthy cells for foreign cells and actually starts attacking them. 

A great example of this is Type 1 Diabetes.  In Type 1 diabetes, the immune system is actually attacking the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Type 1 diabetes is one prime example, in which your immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.

Omega-3s can help combat some of these diseases and may be especially important during early life.

Studies have shown that getting sufficient amounts of omega-3s during your first year of life is linked to a reduced risk of many autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, autoimmune diabetes, and multiple sclerosis (MS). 

Omega-3s can also help treat illnesses such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and psoriasis.

7. Promotes Better Skin Health

And of course, these essential fats are beneficial for our skin also!

DHA is a structural component of the skin. It is responsible for the health of cell membranes, which make up a large part of the skin. When our cell membranes are healthy, it results in soft, moist, supple, and wrinkle-free skin.

They can help in regulating the skin’s oil production, improve skin hydration, reduce breakouts and minimize signs of aging. Omega-3s can also protect your skin from sun damage. 

DHA is an omega-3 fat that comes from food – primarily seafood such as fish, shellfish, and algae. As well as supplements. It is ideal if you can consume both foods high in DHA Omega-3 and supplements as DHA omega-3 fatty acids are not something our bodies typically produce much of. 

You can also get omega-3 from seeds and nuts, like flax seeds and walnuts. These foods also contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a small part of which can be converted into EPA and DHA in your body

A great way to add this essential fatty acid into your daily routine is with Complete Collagen+. Just 1 serving a day can provide your body with 400mg of DHA – Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Incorporate more DHA – Omega 3’s into your diet, and let your body reap all the benefits!


Detoxing Your Hair

Your hair is one of the most important parts of your body. It protects your scalp, absorbs nutrients, and provides a barrier against bacteria. But our hair, just like any part of our body, is susceptible to damage and everyday life can take its toll on our hair.

Sometimes it can get too dry or too greasy. Or maybe you just color it frequently and it has some damage. With each coloring you do, you are adding harsh chemicals into your hair that starts to build up.

That’s where detoxing comes in handy. With these easy tips, you’ll be able to have beautiful locks that are free from excess build-up!

Many people detox their hair because they’ve been using conventional hair care products made with chemical toxins or low-quality ingredients.

When it comes to ditching your harsh chemicals, a detox can help rebalance your scalp. It can also help rid your hair of suffocating buildup while also working to nourish the scalp.

A detox can also help stimulate hair follicles, allowing for hair growth, and can help clear the scalp of dandruff.

So, the question is…

How will I know if I should detox my hair?

A good rule of thumb is – if you have an itchy, oily, or inflamed scalp, dry follicles, hair loss, or any scalp pain, it may be time to detox that hair of yours!

If you are suffering from any of those, or ALL of them. Then your hair IS CRAVING a detox.

A great way to detox your hair is with a Hair Detox Mask.

A Hair Detox Mask
is actually super simple, cost-efficient, and EFFECTIVE!

This process uses 4 simple ingredients that can be applied in just a few easy steps.

If you have a sensitive scalp, try a patch test first. And be sure to wash it off immediately if at any point your skin feels uncomfortable. 


  • Bentonite clay powder. This powder has a high concentration of minerals, including silica, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium. It also absorbs and helps to purge clogged pores, including heavy metals, impurities, and chemicals.
  • Apple cider vinegar. This is rich in vitamins B and C and minerals for the hair. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, which can help the scalp with dandruff.
  • Aloe vera gel. The proteolytic enzymes in aloe may help repair dead skin cells on the scalp. It’s also a great conditioner and prevents itching!
  • White vinegar. Just required for the final rinsing.


  1. Combine ½  cup each of bentonite clay powder, apple cider vinegar, and aloe vera gel in a small bowl.
  2. Spread generously throughout the hair, applying to the scalp as well. You can use a hair-dye brush for this or use your hands.
  3. Place a shower cap on and sit for 20 to 30 minutes. (Don’t let the mixture dry out!)
  4. Rinse your hair with 1 cup of white vinegar and allow it to sit for at least 1 to 3 minutes, then use a clarifying shampoo.

You can also create your own detox hair recipe if you want!

There are plenty of natural ingredients you can use to help remove build-up from your hair.

Some other great ingredients to use are:

  • Micellar water. This cleanser draws out impurities without drying out the skin.
  • Baking soda. It may remove oil and buildup, but it’s not good for dry, processed, or heat-damaged hair.
  • Egg whites. Mixing egg whites with coconut oil can help to strengthen hair.
  • Honey. Using honey can help give your hair a boost of beneficial amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. You can even use honey after the detox to keep your curls moisturized and growing.

For an additional hair boost, be sure to try Complete Collagen+!

Give your hair the attention it deserves. And bring it back to life!