Yoga for the Body & Mind

Yoga. Perhaps you’ve heard of it or even tried it…

But one thing is for sure… 

Yoga is an incredibly popular form of exercise for the body AND mind.

Yoga is a well known and ancient practice that focuses on breathing, flexibility and strength – all of which work to boost our mental and physical wellbeing.

Yoga is said to have been around for over 5,000 years, originating in India. Although yoga began in religious and spiritual traditions, it quickly spread around the world eventually heading west in the 1800s and has been widely recognized ever since. 

Now, fast forward to 2021. Yoga is incredibly popular all around the world for its health benefits and it’s diversity of practice!

It is used in all walks of life, including: schools, health clubs, spiritual and religious temples, and in the comfort of home. There is even yoga therapy, which is designed to help some individuals after surgery or if suffering from a chronic illness.

No matter how you practice yoga, there is no denying the benefits that can come with it.

Have you ever tried a downward dog? Sure – it looks easy enough – but holding that position for longer than 2 minutes can be quite the workout!

But yoga goes above just helping our bodies… It helps us mentally and spiritually as well.

So for those of you already practicing yoga or just dipping your toes into the idea of trying it, here is some great information for you. 

If you were on the fence about trying it before… the benefits may sway you to grab a yoga mat and feel the benefits for yourself!

What Can Yoga Do For You?

Relaxation & Stress Relief

One of the main attractions of yoga is how relaxed you are likely to feel after it.

When we feel stressed, our tension is stored in our body making it feel tight and even causing pain.

Yoga incorporates a lot of stretching, which works to release tension from high problem areas like our hips, shoulders, and lower back. 

Yoga also uses a lot of different breathing techniques which allows you to focus on your breathing, and focus less on what may be troubling you. It also allows you to become more aware of your breathing which is useful for everyday life, especially in a stressful situation. By learning to focus deeply on each inhale and exhale to the exclusion of negative thoughts, this allows you to clear the mind (not just during yoga, but even everyday life).

In many yoga classes, the session will end with 1 particular pose:

The Corpse Pose (Savasana

This pose has you lie down with your limbs gently stretched out, away from the body, with your palms facing up. The goal is to try to clear your mind while breathing deeply, while holding this pose for 5-15 minutes.

I find this pose particularly great for clearing my mind. And since I have to hold it for 5 minutes or more, I am really focusing on the pose and my breathing. And within 1 minute, I am so entwined in the pose that every other thought I had melted away.

After practicing yoga, your body should feel more relaxed and your mind a little less empty. The racing thoughts should be pushed aside from the relaxation and you will likely have much more energy.

Now granted, the first time you do yoga you may not have more energy immediately as your body is adapting to the stretching and posing. In fact, you may be a bit sore the next day as you’re activating muscles you forgot existed! But once you get the hang of it, your body and mind will feel amazing!

Heart Support

Yoga can also improve your heart health by increasing your circulation and blood flow.

Yoga can also help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels, as well as the heart rate – all of which can add up to a lower risk of hypertension, stroke, and heart disease.

Improve Sleep Quality

Another great benefit of yoga is that it is likely to improve your sleep as well.

When we exert energy and exercise, our bodies need rest.

The more we exert, the more rest we need and more tired we can become at the end of the day. In addition to that, the state of mindfulness that yoga provides can help increase melatonin levels and reduce nighttime sleep disturbances. The breathing awareness and regulation used for a relaxation technique during yoga can also work to induce a better sleep.

Yoga can also come with a lot of other great benefits for us.

Such as:

  • Increased flexibility in muscles, strength, and tone
  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality
  • Supported metabolism
  • Improved weight loss

If you are looking for an exercise regime that is tailored to body and mind, yoga is a great place to start!

And with the digital age we live in, there are so many options available to get started. Watch a tutorial online for some basics and see if it is right for you!

I LOVE yoga and all that it does for me! I hope it does the same for you!

Stay Healthy Friends!

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The Truth About Collagen For Men

A common misconception about collagen is that it is just intended for women.

And not just collagen, but any type of beauty product for that matter…

But the truth is… Men need collagen too!

And it’s safe to say that we all (both women and men) want to look and feel our best each and every day. Right?

So, for the guys out there… 

If you are looking at Complete Collagen Plus and wondering, “Can this help me too?”

The answer is…


Complete Collagen Plus worked absolute wonders for me but that doesn’t mean it is just meant for women…

We can ALL benefit from such an amazing product.


Because all the exceptional ingredients within the product itself deliver noticeable results (keep reading on to learn why each component is so important).

In fact, my husband Scott drinks it every morning in his coffee, and he LOVES it! 

So gentlemen… Fear not.

You too can enjoy your daily dose of this delicious anti-aging caramel and reap the benefits – just like my husband and I do!

But let’s get into just HOW this product can benefit all of the MEN out there too!

Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is a key component for

healthy hair, skin, and nails.

And boasts internal benefits like more energy and flexible joints. 

These positive results can be enjoyed by both men and women!

But, let’s focus on hair here for a moment… As hair loss is a fear for many… especially men! 

A 2014 survey by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, saw that approximately 35 million men in the United States suffer from some form of hair loss while approximately 21 million women are affected by hair loss.

Furthermore, the American Hair Loss Association says that by the age of 35, two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of hair loss… And by the age of 50, approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair.

Collagen levels in our body decline as we age and can also decline due to poor habits like excessive alcohol or tobacco use, too much sun exposure, and even excessive intake of sugar. 

When we lose collagen in our bodies, it can lead to hair loss. 

You see, collagen is a protein that holds the dermal layer of our hair and the follicles together, which in turn keeps our hair strong and healthy.

But, when our collagen production reduces, our hair follicles become brittle. And when the dermal layers get dried up, it can result in hair loss.

It’s clear that hair loss is a valid concern for both men and women. And, collagen is an integral part of having strong and healthy hair.

If you notice a bit of hair in the drain in your shower or some thinning beginning to show, it might be a good idea to start supplementing with collagen. Nip that hair loss in the bud before it takes over fully!

Of course, collagen can work wonders for us beyond our hair line….

Collagen can also give us energy

and can even help with muscle mass.

There are ample amounts of amino acids in collagen – such as glycine, glutamine, and arginine – which play an important role in supporting a healthy metabolism and muscle mass. 

Collagen also works to keep the central nervous system healthy which can help us with our energy levels. More energy means more gusto! And we all want that.

Collagen also helps with joint support.

Collagen can work as an important factor in building, repairing and also maintaining the cartilage in our joints. 

If you have regular wear and tear, work out a lot, or just have a very active lifestyle; some of your cartilage could be worn or damaged. 

This can be problematic as our joints rely on the cushioning that the surrounding tissue and cartilage provide. Once the cartilage is damaged, you begin to get joint discomfort and in some cases morning stiffness (which can make it very difficult to get out of bed in the morning).

Collagen helps support the tissue and cartilage that make our joints work smoothly and move effortlessly.  

You might be thinking, “I don’t have joint discomfort.”

Well if you are fortunate enough to experience zero discomfort in your joints… Consider yourself lucky! 

But, the truth is, with time your cartilage will wear. Taking collagen as a preventative measure can help avoid that in the future.

So, for the men reading this… it’s clear that collagen is beneficial for you too!

More Anti-Aging Ingredients

Not only is Complete Collagen Plus full of collagen… But it also has other super beneficial ingredients like MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), Algal DHA (Omega 3 Fatty Acids), and Vitamin E.

All of these ingredients combined make for a product that both men and women can enjoy to look and feel their best.

What Are You Waiting For?

Try Complete Collagen Plus today.

My husband and I enjoy Complete Collagen Plus together every morning! We are living proof that women AND men can enjoy delicious caramel collagen in their coffee each day – striving to always look and feel our best.


7 Tips to Live a Long & Healthy Life

We all want to live a long and healthy life. However, some everyday bad habits can get in the way… 

Just know that you’re not totally to blame (and you’re not alone)!

Life is busy and we don’t always feel like we have the time to take care of ourselves the way we should. But, when we neglect ourselves, we neglect our overall well beingWhich can do a number on our bodies, both mentally and physically.

Being healthy doesn’t just happen overnight. We do have to put in some leg work to be healthy, especially if we want a long and healthy life ahead of us. And it goes beyond just eating right and exercising. It also means taking care of our mind and body as a whole.

I know I want a long life ahead of me! Life truly is a blessing and has so much to offer. 

I personally follow these everyday 7 tips to guide me on the path to a long and healthy life. Take a moment to check them out.

7 Tips for a Long and Healthy Life

1. Quit Smoking

One of the worst things we can do to our body is smoke. It can come with some very negative effects like asthma, lung and heart disease, cancer and more.

And of course, quitting is easier said than done. Cigarette smoking is actually one of the leading causes of preventable disease and death in the United States. Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year. 

If you want to quit smoking and you do need some help, speak with your doctor or naturopath to see what options are available to help you. It doesn’t have to be ‘cold turkey’ – reach out to your health provider if you need assistance.

2. Eat Well

Eating a well balanced diet is essential to a healthy life. What we put into our bodies is what fuels our existence. We need to make sure we are giving our body what it needs on a regular basis so it can function at its best. Sweets and other sugary foods should be limited as well as processed foods like potato chips and french fries. While they taste great, they can do a number on our bodies (and they can be highly addictive).

A balanced diet includes foods from five groups and each category fulfills your nutritional needs. 

The 5 Essential Food Groups:

  • Vegetables – There are five subgroups of vegetables that are rich in nutritional value, including: leafy greens (kale, lettuce, cabbage, etc), red or orange vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, beets, and radishes), starchy vegetables (potatoes and sweet potatoes), legumes (beans, peas, and edamame) and other vegetables (such as eggplant or zucchini). The USDA recommends that we eat vegetables from each of the five subgroups every week. More food guidelines can be found here! 
  • Fruits Eating whole fruits is vital (think bananas, apples, berries, melons, etc). A bowl of fresh fruit a day is recommended.
  • Grains Similar to veggies, grains have subgroups as well: whole grains and refined grains. At least half of the grains that a person eats daily should be whole grains, such as quinoa, oats and rice. However, I personally eat primarily whole grains as they are less processed and have more nutritional value. Refined grains are found in things like breads, cereals, crackers, desserts and pastries (which usually have lots of hidden sugars and other processed ingredients).
  • ProteinSome great protein sources include beef, poultry, pork, and fish. Now, if you are a vegetarian or vegan – fear not! There are some other great sources of protein such as Tofu and a variety of legumes.
  • Dairy The USDA recommends consuming low-fat versions whenever possible. Some low fat dairy and soy includes: cottage cheese or ricotta, low fat milk and yogurt. Now this can be troublesome for those that are lactose intolerant… but there are alternatives available such as low-lactose or lactose-free products. Or choose soy-based sources of calcium and other nutrients.

Ensuring we are eating from these 5 essential food groups daily will give our bodies the nutrition our body needs and craves.

3. Get Restful Sleep

Sleep is another crucial part of a healthy life. Adults typically need 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night to feel rested and allow our body time to recharge. Although we “need” 7 to 8 hours sleep, most of us are lucky to get between 5 to 6 hours. 

Why? Because life is stressful, busy, and chaotic at times. It can be hard for us to shut off our mind to get the sleep we need.

Tips for Restful Sleep:

  • Turn off all electronics When I go to bed, I turn off my TV, phone, laptop – anything and everything I can deem a distraction and an emitted of blue light (which can impact your circadian rhythms). 
  • Listen to calming sounds before bed When I lay down in bed to unwind, I listen to crashing waves on the beach. It helps soothe my mind and puts me right to sleep! 
  • Avoid drinking my coffee after 5pm – Ideally anything with caffeine should be avoided at least 5-6 hours before bed. 
  • Sleep in a very dark room – Any form of light coming in disrupts my sleep. If you are the same way, I would recommend room darkening curtains and try to avoid turning on a light for any nighttime bathroom breaks.

When I feel like I had a good night’s rest, I feel like a whole new person the next day! I am full of energy and my mood is always so much better.

4. Hydrate

Water is key to so much in life. Staying hydrated and drinking around 8 glasses of water a day can go a long way.  

When we sweat, we need water to replenish the lost fluid from sweat or we can feel fatigued and drained. We also need water for a healthy digestive system as it helps digest our food for us and get rid of waste.

Plus, it can help us stay full which can be beneficial if you are looking to shed a few extra pounds. Drinking water not only keeps us hydrated and feeds our cells, but drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you feel full faster (so you actually end up eating less). 

5. Avoid Negative People

Negativity can be toxic. And when we are exposed to a lot of negativity, it can affect our overall mood and mindset. Try to surround yourself with positivity and positive people. Someone once told me a “bad mood can be contagious.” I find this to be very true! If I am with someone who is always in a bad mood, I start to feel the same way.

When we have negative emotions it can actually affect our bodies. Negative attitudes and feelings can create chronic stress, which upsets the body’s hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system.

Doctors have actually found that people with high levels of negativity are more likely to suffer from degenerative brain diseases, cardiovascular problems, digestive issues, and recover from illnesses much slower than those with a positive mindset.

So being surrounded by positivity is actually much healthier for you! Life is short – We should embrace and love every moment of it!

6. Prioritize Self Care

You are the most important part of your life. You make your life what it is. Taking care of yourself by eating well and exercising is one thing… But taking care of your MIND is just as important.

Make sure you take time for yourself and do things you love. Try to find one thing each day you love doing and do it! Whether it be a peaceful walk with your dog, 30 minutes of yoga, a hot bath with your favorite candles – whatever your heart desires – do it for you!

A happy mind is a happy body. We need to feel inner peace with ourselves and our lives. And that starts with you. Don’t over work yourself and make sure to take time for yourself each day. We all need our alone time to regain ourselves and to have some peace. If you can’t do it daily, try to set a self care time at least 3-4 days a week if you can!

Self-care encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can transmit your good feelings to others. You cannot give to others what you don’t have yourself. So take care of you!

7. Supplement

No matter how hard we try, sometimes we need a little helping hand in the way of nutrition. If you find that your body just isn’t getting the nutrients you need, looking into a supplement may be a good fit for you. Whether it be a multivitamin or something like vitamin B12, adding a supplement to your repertoire is a good idea.

My B12 levels can get a little low sometimes which leads to things like fatigue, brain fog, and mood swings. So, I take B12 daily to ensure my body is getting the daily intake it needs. In fact, the one I love most is PuraTHRIVE’s micelle liposomal B12 which has superb absorption (compared to capsules) and tastes delicious.

I also use collagen, which is great for both my inner and outer body. Since I live on a farm, I have a HUGE vegetable… And that means being crouched down a lot during the day and using muscles I sometimes forget I have (I am sure you can relate after a day of yard work). 

Collagen is a lifesaver for me! I use it daily to help my joints feel their best and to avoid discomfort after working in the garden or daily exercise. Plus, it also does wonders for my hair, skin, and nails (check out my story here on how collagen changed my life). It is one of the first things I grab in the morning when I wake up. Plus it tastes like caramel which makes taking it that much easier when it tastes SO GOOD!

Find out more about Collagen and how it can benefit you here!

There you have it friends, some easy ways to get you on a path to a long and healthy life.

Stay healthy and happy!


DIY Avocado Face Mask

Life is busy. I can vouch for that! Balancing work life, married life, being a dog mom, working on my little farm – and not to mention a baby on the way! Trust me… I GET IT! I feel you! Life is crazy sometimes.

But we have to take time for the little things. Especially to take care of ourselves. And sometimes that means….


The first thing we tend to notice about not just ourselves – but other people is – their face. Our faces are front and center. Exposed and vulnerable!

But, we should feel good about that!

All faces are different. Different colors, shapes, all unique in their own way.
Some have freckles – some have laugh lines – some have hair…

There are 2 things our faces all have in common…


The second is ALL FACES HAVE SKIN!

Now granted all skin is different – the one thing it has in common – is that it craves moisture!

I know with my busy schedule it can get super difficult to make it to a spa for a facial or for a true pamper session. But that doesn’t mean I can do one in the comfort of my own home!

I want to give you the details on what I do at home so you can get that pampered skin you deserve while in the comfort of your home… and maybe even in your jammies!

Let’s get started.

One of my FAVORITE go to’s is what I like to call my “Guac Mask”… it may sound silly… But it works.

AND the best part is…

It has only 4 ingredients!

And you I am sure you guessed the main ingredient is AVOCADOS!

Here’s what you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E (the oil if you can- even if you have capsules- you can open them up and use the oil inside)
  • 1 drop of Argan Oil 
  • ¼  cup of avocado oil
  • PLUS ½ of an avocado

Blend all of these ingredients until they have a thick paste like consistency. You will notice the avocado does become quite guac like! Apply to your face evenly until it has completely dried to your face. Gently remove it with a washcloth and VIOLA!  You can then of course follow up with your regular moisturizer that you would typically use.

Why this works.

These 4 ingredients work as little mini powerhouses for your skin – each providing your skin with their own benefits.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is known to be effective in reducing UV damage reduction in skin. And when vitamin E is applied topically, it can help nourish and protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Argan oil packs quite a punch for our skin! It is known to protect it from sun damage, moisturize it, assist with acne, anti aging effects and so much more!

Then there is the avocado. Avocado contains beta carotene, protein, lecithin, fatty acids, AND vitamins A, D, and E. All of these nutrients work to help moisturize and protect our skin from damaging UV rays while increasing collagen metabolism (which is essential for keeping our skin tight, nourished and even prevent fine lines and wrinkles)!

So what are you waiting for? Grab these 4 ingredients and let the benefits just SOAK in!

Water For Radiant Skin

Water is the foundation of life.

The adult human body is 60% water. When we drink water, it can benefit the body in so many ways!

And yet, so many of us are not drinking enough! An average person should be consuming 64 ounces of water a day, or 2 litres.

We know water is important. We know how it can affect our bodies internally when we do not get enough of it. Not drinking enough water can make us feel run down, fatigued, have frequent headaches, feel weak and even gain weight.

But what about EXTERNALLY?

What we might not know about water is that it greatly affects our appearance as well.

Water can help

Improve our skin tone
Drinking ample amounts of water helps the body to flush out toxins we may have while also giving us healthier skin. Studies have shown that 2 cups of water daily can work to increase blood flow to the skin- providing it with a more even tone. 

Prevent Acne and Breakouts
When we drink enough water, it balances the oil and water content within our skin – primarily on our face. This works to prevent excess oil and sebum secretion, which in turn means fewer clogged pores and breakouts.

You may be thinking breakouts are for adolescents and teens, but the truth is that adult acne is growing more and more common.  A study revealed that 4-6 people out of 100 in the age groups of 20-40 have adult acne. 

Reduce Puffiness within the Face
Sometimes our face can look a bit puffy. This is because our skin is actually retaining water to protect us from dehydration. If we stay hydrated, we can work to reduce that puffiness we see in our face. 

Eliminate Itchiness
Drinking enough water can work to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out while flushing out toxins that can cause irritation.  If you are finding your skin especially itchy lately, it could be from lack of hydration. 

Prevent Premature Aging and Tightens Skin
Staying hydrated helps increase the elasticity in our skin due to it staying moisturized for longer. When we have more elasticity in our skin, it can delay the sagginess of our skin and also delay the premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Sometimes, with sudden weight loss and just gravity not being on our side, our skin can start to sag. Drinking water can help revive the skin’s elasticity. To prevent your skin from sagging and to tighten it in areas where the sagging is prominent, like the upper arms, thighs, waist and jawline, drinking water helps as it revives the skin’s elasticity.

Skin Tip

If you find your skin is lacking in the radiance you crave… Water is essential for that!

But, also adding COLLAGEN to your daily regimen is highly recommended!

A great collagen product can do wonders for your skin and help with any unwanted saggy skin, wrinkles or fine lines you might see!  I find drinking around 8 glasses of water a day and taking my Collagen makes my skin GLOW and I just feel refreshed and amazing!

Love the skin you’re in and stay radiant friends!


Collagen 101: What You Need To Know

We hear so much about collagen… But WHAT is it?

Here is the rundown on collagen:

Collagen is the main structural protein in the extracellular matrix found in the body’s various connective tissues. Since it is the main component of connective tissue, it’s the most abundant protein in mammals – which makes up from 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content.  Collagen consists of amino acids bound together to form a triple helix of elongated fibril, also known as a collagen helix. It is mostly found in connective tissue such as cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, and skin.

In simple terms…

It is a protein that gives structure to skin, joints, and bones. Collagen is found in skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, and teeth, and provides structure to the connective tissue throughout your body.

So it makes sense that our bodies need this protein for our skin and bones to not just look healthy but FEEL healthy. It is something that our body naturally produces- and as we age, the amount our body makes can decrease.

One way to tell if our body is producing less collagen, is if our skin has wrinkles or appears to be sagging – it means it has lost its elasticity. And if our joints are stiff – it can also show in our bones- they can become brittle and even break. 

Taking collagen may help to improve bone density and keep your bone strength at an optimal level. Not to mention, the benefits it can have for your skin and hair as well! Low collagen levels can even cause hair loss, which is what I experienced!

And the good news is, you generally cannot have too much collagen. Collagen is generally considered to be a safe and nontoxic daily supplement for healthy individuals, and most people won’t experience adverse side effects.

There are foods naturally rich in collagen that we can incorporate into our diet…

Collagen Rich Foods:

  • Fish & Poultry
  • Egg Whites
  • Garlic
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Berries
  • Soy
  • Leafy Greens
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell Peppers
  • Cashews
  • And more!

Now, collagen is something our bodies does produce on its own… but sometimes we do not make enough. And I knew I wasn’t as it was PHYSICALLY OBVIOUS!

I eat well and eat a lot of collagen filled foods… but I just was not getting enough, so I knew I needed more… but how?

That is when I KNEW I had to create a supercharged supplement for collagen.

Supplementing with collagen is quite popular, and comes with a lot of great benefits…

IN FACT, check out these stats:

A 2014 study of 69 women between the ages of 35 to 55- found that those who took 2.5 or 5 grams of collagen daily for 8 weeks- showed a lot of improvement in skin elasticity, compared with those who didn’t take it.

Another showed that 73 athletes who consumed 10 grams of collagen daily for 24 weeks experienced a significant decrease in joint pain while walking and at rest, compared with a group that did not take it.

It has also been shown to help with bone support. We know that calcium supports strong bones- but adding collagen to that- is like the cherry on top!

A study was conducted on women that took either a calcium supplement combined with 5 grams of collagen or a calcium supplement and no collagen daily for 12 months.

By the end of the study, the women taking the calcium and collagen supplement had significantly lower blood levels of proteins that promote bone breakdown than those taking only the calcium.

Another study found similar results in 66 women who took 5 grams of collagen daily for 12 months.

The women who took the collagen showed an increase of up to 7% in their bone mineral density (BMD), compared with women who didn’t consume any collagen.

Now- there are more benefits to collagen than just bone/joint support and hair and skin benefits.

It is also said to assist with:

  • Sleep
  • Immunity Support
  • Heart Support

So you know all the great things collagen does for us. You may be wondering what your next step is if you fear you are not getting enough.

Incorporating collagen high foods is a great place to start- but a collagen supplement can also help fill your collagen void.

And trust me- I know that when seeking any type of supplement – quality is always the biggest concern.  So one for collagen should be no different!

You want the most top notch ingredients and to ensure what you’re giving your body- is nothing but THE BEST!

If you are looking for a collagen supplement – try Complete Collagen+.

A high quality oral supplement your body will LOVE!

I am living proof of the results.

Try Yours Today >> Learn More Here!
