Author: everbella
Summer Strawberry Spinach Salad
One of my favorite things about this time of year is…
All the fruits and vegetables I get to eat out of my own garden!
It’s so satisfying eating what you grew in your own backyard.
And one of my favorite things to make from my garden haul in the summer…
Is a summer salad packed full of delicious ingredients!
Of course, if you don’t have a garden, I always recommend visiting your local farmer’s market for the freshest ingredients – plus you get to support local!
One of my summer staples is a Strawberry Spinach Salad!
It’s jam-packed full of nutrients and tastes amazing! What more could you ask for?
I like to call it a Summer Spinach Salad, but of course, it can be made any time of the year.
Here’s what you will need:
Let’s start with the dressing!
I prefer a poppy seed dressing with this salad – it really makes all the flavors pop! But a vinaigrette is also a great option.
- 4 cups of white wine vinegar
- ¼ cup of sugar or honey
- 1 to 2 tbsp of poppy seeds
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ ground mustard
- 2 tsp of mayonnaise (this part is optional, it just helps make it a bit creamier)
- ½ cup of olive oil, or grapeseed oil
- Whisk the white wine vinegar and sugar until the sugar is mostly dissolved (it’s okay if there is still some undissolved sugar). Add the poppy seeds, salt, and ground mustard, and whisk to combine.
- As you whisk the dressing steadily, pour the olive oil into the dressing in a slow stream and continue whisking until completely combined.
- Transfer to a covered container and store in the fridge. I try to chill my dressing for about an hour before I mix up my salad.
- NOTE: It can be saved for 2 weeks if you don’t use it all, but the dressing will separate as it sits; so be sure to shake it recombine before using.

Now onto the salad ingredients:
- 1/2 cup chopped pecans (sliced almonds or walnuts are also a great choice – you can also toast your pecans if you want!)
- 5 cups of spinach
- 2 cups lettuce – I like to add just a few green lettuce leaves as well
- 16 oz strawberries sliced
- 1/2 thinly sliced red onion – Strawberries and red onion is a really great flavor combination!
- 4 sliced baby cucumbers or regular-sized – I grow baby cucumbers so that is what I use
- Pinch sea salt & pepper
- Feta cheese crumbles (you can use any substitute to make it a vegan option)
Making the salad:
Personally, I don’t really have a routine of how I make it in terms of what ingredients go in first so to each their own!
One thing I do – I add pecans into the mix but I also leave some leftover and sprinkle that and the feta on top of the mixture once the dressing is all added. I also am pretty generous with the dressing. I like it very creamy so I use enough dressing to really coat the salad.
So now you know how to make this delicious salad. I just want to tell you a bit about what makes this salad so nutritious! Each ingredient comes with its own benefits – so of course, the salad tastes great AND is good for us!

Benefits of this Summer Spinach Salad
The great thing about raw pecans is that they are cholesterol-free, sodium-free, and low in carbohydrates. They also contain a ton of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Most of the fat found in pecans is monounsaturated fat. Eating foods with monounsaturated fat instead of foods high in saturated fats (like potato chips) can help lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol. Keeping your LDL cholesterol low cuts down your risk of developing heart issues.
Pecans are also a great source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium – all of which can also help support heart health and have great anti aging properties which is ideal for our skin!
They are a great guilt-free snack!
Strawberries are at their prime in the summer. They are one of my favorite things to grow. And picking them is fun for the whole family!
They also come with quite the punch!
Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant we need for optimal immune support as well as skin health. They also contain folate – also known as B9. B9 is important for normal tissue growth and cell function.
Potassium is another great benefit of eating strawberries. This mineral is involved in essential body functions, like regulating cardiovascular health.
I LOVE spinach. Cooked or raw!
Spinach is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, magnesium, iron, and manganese. This leafy green can help benefit our eye health, reduce oxidative stress, promote radiant skin and support heart health.
Green Leaf Lettuce
Not just green leaf lettuce but all salad greens contain vitamin A and C, beta-carotene, calcium, folate, fiber, and phytonutrients.
They are a great choice because they do not contain cholesterol and are naturally low in calories and sodium. I like to grow red leaf, green leaf, and good old fashion romaine lettuce.
Cucumbers are one of my favorite snacks as well as a salad garnish. Give me some cucumbers and dip and I am in heaven!
Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and K. As well as potassium, magnesium, fiber, and protein. They really come with a plethora of goodness!
Cucumbers are low in calories and can promote hydration, glowing and hydrated skin, weight loss, may lower blood sugar, and promote a healthy digestive system.
Red Onion
Red onions are a rich source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamins K, B6, and C.
Their nutritional properties can help boost our immune system, healthy hair and skin, support a healthy heart and also help lower LDL cholesterol & triglycerides.
This salad comes with it all! Taste and ample nutrition! These ingredients benefit us from the inside out. Including our skin!
So what are you waiting for? Give it a try and see for yourself!
10 Sunburn Home Remedies
We have each had one. And likely more than once.
In fact, more than 1 out of every 3 Americans reports getting sunburned each year.
And they can be super unpleasant!
The red, hurt to touch and even lie down type of sunburn!
We are meant to be in the sun, soaking up that Vitamin D!
And even when we try our best to prevent sunburns by using sunscreen…
Sometimes…that sunburn just sneaks up on us.
Even just 15 mins of sun exposure can cause a sunburn.
And if you’re like me, when you burn…
You turn into a TOMATO!
I always wear something to protect my skin…
But sometimes when I am working in the garden all day, I forget to replenish my skin with protection…
And the next thing I know…
I am red and sore!
Sunburns may not seem like a big deal…just some sore skin…
But in fact, they can be very harmful to our skin.
A sunburn is an inflammatory response to UV damage. Severe and repeated UV light exposure that results in sunburn can increase the risk of skin damage, such as dark spots, rough spots, and dry or wrinkled skin. It also raises the risk of skin ailments and disorders. You can prevent sunburn and related conditions by protecting your skin.
Experts recommend using a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30. And what some of us may not realize is that our sunscreen is often not applied thoroughly or thickly enough, and it can be washed off during swimming or sweating – so we do not have all-day coverage like we think we do. So applying multiple times throughout the day is the best way to protect your skin.
A water-resistant one is best for days at the beach or warm days where you might sweat it off. If you are fair-skinned and prone to burns, it is important for you to remember to apply as much as you can. Ideally, every 2 hours is best for sunscreen to be effective throughout the day.
Some other tips to avoid a sunburn is to:
- Avoid the sun during peak hours. Generally, this is between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Stay in the shade if you can, especially on high UV days. I always check how high the UV index is for the day when I plan my time outside. Anything above a UV report of 5 is considered high and you should take the most precautions.
- Wear sun-protective clothing. This may seem impossible on super hot days, but even just a hat and sunglasses can go a long way!
- Remember that you can still burn on overcast days! Many UV rays can still penetrate through the clouds. So a cloudy sky doesn’t mean you won’t burn!
As I said, sometimes sunburns just sneak up on us. So if that does happen, try some of these home remedies to tame the burn and alleviate some of the symptoms.
10 Tips To Treating A Sunburn
- Get out of the sun ASAP! If you feel you are burned, immediately go inside or in the shade, and stay out of the sun until your sunburn fades. Exposure to more sunlight will only make things worse.
- Hydrate. Drink a lot of water, juice, or sports drinks with electrolytes. Your skin is dry and dehydrated from the sun so replacing lost body fluids will help your skin heal from sunburn more quickly.
- Place a cold compress on the sunburned skin for immediate relief. A cool shower or bath is also recommended to soothe the skin.
- Try a soak. (Avoid soaps or heavy perfumes in the soak) Some baths you can try that have been known to help sunburns are:
● Apple Cider Vinegar- to help balance the pH (acid or alkalinity) of sunburned skin, and promote healing.
● Oatmeal bath- to help alleviate itchy and dry skin
● Lavender or chamomile essential oil to the bath to help relieve some of the stinging and discomfort.
● 2 cups of baking soda or cornstarch- both can help relieve itching and inflammation caused by the burn. - Use lotions that contain Aloe Vera to help soothe and moisturize the skin. Aloe soothes and restores damaged skin and can be used for both fresh sunburns and skin that is peeling. Witch hazel applied to the skin can help reduce inflammation from the burn.
- Brew a pot of black tea with 2-4 tea bags and then allow it to steep and cool completely before applying to your skin with a washcloth. The tannic acid in black tea can help draw heat from sunburned skin, and aids in restoring the pH balance.
- When the skin is peeling, apply cold milk. Cold milk (and even yogurt!) can also be soothing on sunburned skin as it can help exfoliate the skin with the lactic acid property of milk. You can apply this the same way as tea.
- Apply Vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and can help decrease inflammation caused by sunburn as well as peeling skin.
- Cucumbers have natural antioxidant and analgesic properties (which offer relief). Chill some cucumbers, then mash in a blender to create a paste, and then apply to affected sunburned areas, including the face. Cucumber also can be soothing for peeling skin following a sunburn.
- If you blister, leave them alone! Blisters are a sign of a very severe sunburn and should not be picked at. This goes with peeling. You will be tempted to peel the skin off more, but picking at it will only damage the skin further. If you are blistering, covering them up will help prevent them from tearing and allow them to heal without being bothered.
Don’t let a sunburn ruin your time in the sun. Take as many precautions as you can, and if you do get one, treat it as fast as you can so you can get back to enjoying the summer sun!
Nutrition for Healthy Nails
One thing I am guilty of…
Is noticing someone’s nails when I meet them.
It’s a habit.
You reach out to shake their hand…and see their nails.
Our nails are front and center for everyone.
And our nails can take a beating.
Manual labor or even just poor diet habits.
But what if our diet made our nails so strong and healthy that doing manual labor wouldn’t matter when it came to our nails?
Ok sure, no matter how strong my nails are…
They get dirty when I am plugging away in my garden…
But when I eat well…
I don’t have to worry about them snapping while I am working with my hands. Especially when I take my Complete Collagen+ which works AMAZING for my hair, skin AND nails.
Of course, it’s not just about how our nails look. It’s also about how we feel about our nails and their overall health.
Unhealthy nails can say a lot about us. And a lot of it can boil down to…
Poor nutrition.
Lack of certain vitamins can make our nails brittle, weak, and damaged. Our nail beds are constantly giving rise to nail tissue, and adequate vitamin, mineral, and nutrient intakes help support the growth, formation, and strength of new nail cells.
A change in the appearance, texture, or shape of our nails could all indicate nutrient deficiencies.
And similar to many things that our diet impacts, we can improve it with some simple dietary changes, and by adding in some foods to get the proper nutrients our bodies need – inside and out.
So let me tell you about some ways to get some added nutrition in so your nails can look and feel healthy!
Here are some ways to strengthen and nourish those nails!
Iron deficiency can cause a lot of health concerns for us internally, such as fatigue, pale skin, weakness, headaches, dizziness – the list goes on! Low iron results in low red blood cells. These cells carry oxygen to our organs and every cell in our body, which includes our nails.
Without iron, oxygen does not get adequately carried to your cells, which can result in brittle nails, as well as a ‘damaged’ appearance (shape and color). Adequate iron intake can ensure your body is functioning at its best from the inside out. After all, our outside isn’t nourished unless the inside of us is first!
And iron needs vary depending on gender and age!
A male aged 19–50 years old requires 8 mg a day while a female in the same age range needs 18 mg of iron a day.
Some foods high in iron include:
- Seafood
- Beans
- Pork and poultry
- Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach
- Dried fruit such as raisins and apricots
- Iron-fortified cereals, bread, and pasta
- Peas
Our nails are predominantly made of keratin – a fibrous structural protein. Keratin is what gives our nails their strength. It also works to protect our nails from damage and stress.
Low protein levels in the body will cause weakened nails, making them more susceptible to breakage. Ensuring you are getting enough protein in your diet is essential for boosting keratin production, which will help create stronger and more durable nails.
Similar to iron, the recommended daily intake can vary based on age and sex, as well as activity level and even muscle mass. The average adult male (weighing around 150lbs) requires 56 grams per day, while the average adult female weighing the same requires 46 grams.
Foods high in protein are:
- Meat, poultry, fish
- Eggs and dairy
- Soy, legumes, beans, and lentils
- Nut and seeds
- Whole grains
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is widely known to help boost our immune system, but it can also help our nails!
Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen. And just like our hair and skin, this protein provides strength and durability to our nails.
Vitamin C deficiency has been linked to brittle nails as well as impeding the inability for our nails to grow.
Vitamin C is a vitamin that our bodies cannot produce on their own. It is something that we must get from our everyday diet through foods and supplements.
On average, men require 90 mg and women 75 mg per day of vitamin C.
It is essential for us to ensure we are getting adequate amounts of vitamin C since our bodies cannot produce it.
Some foods high in vitamin C include:
- Citrus fruits, such as oranges
- Strawberries
- Kiwi
- Bell peppers (red bell peppers actually have more than twice the vitamin C of an orange)
- Green vegetables
- Tomatoes
Omega Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids do so much for us, and on that list – supporting healthy nails by helping to lubricate and moisturize your nails, giving them a shiny appearance.
Increasing your intake of omega 3 fatty acids helps to nurture the cells in the nail bed. This can help to curb inflammation and encourage the absorption of nutrients.
Similar to vitamin C, our bodies do not produce Omega-3’s so we must get them from our diets.
While there is no recommended daily intake for Omega-3 fatty acids, it is still something we should be diligently getting ample amounts of in our diets every day.
Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids include:
- Fatty fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, and sardines
- Walnuts
- Soy
- Eggs
- Chia seeds, flaxseeds
- Fish and flaxseed oil
Zinc is something essential for the body – especially for the growth and division of cells. Since our nails are made up of a type of cell that grows and divides rapidly, a fast production and a steady supply of zinc are crucial for promoting the healthy growth of nails.
Low zinc intake can result in the degeneration of our nail plate, which can cause the appearance of white posts on our nails.
Our recommended daily intake for zinc is between 8mg to 11mg for the average man and woman.
Zinc can be found in:
- Beef, poultry, and fish
- Eggs
- Soy, chickpeas, and black beans
- Nuts such as almonds and cashews
B Vitamins
While we all need B vitamins for our overall health, there are a few different specific B vitamins that are essential for healthy nails.
Let’s start with Biotin – which is vitamin B7.
Biotin works to promote healthy cell growth and can aid in the metabolism of protein-building amino acids, all of which are essential for nail growth.
Studies have found that getting adequate amounts of biotin may help strengthen brittle nails.
The good news is that deficiency in biotin is very rare. The average adult needs about 30mcg per day of biotin.
Biotin can be found in:
- Liver
- Egg Yolk
- Dairy products
- Yeast
- Salmon
- Avocado
- Sweet potato
- Nuts and seeds
- Cauliflower
Then we have Vitamin B12. B12 is something many of us are deficient in.
A vitamin B12 deficiency can cause significant discoloration to our nails such as bluish-black pigments with wavy dark streaks and brownish pigmentation. To prevent deficiencies, the average adult requires 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 per day.
B12 is essential in our iron absorption, as well as the development of red blood cells. Both iron and B12 are necessary for keeping nails strong and healthy.
Sources of B12 include:
- Fish and shellfish such as trout, salmon, tuna fish, and clams
- Beef, liver, and chicken
- Fortified breakfast cereal
- Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese
- Eggs
Next on our B vitamin list is Folate, which is B9.
Folate also plays an important role in nail growth by contributing to the formation of red blood cells as well as the development of new cells. A folate deficiency can lead to a pigment change in our nails and result in them being brittle and rigid. Adults typically need 400 mcg of folate per day.
The best sources of folate are:
- Beans
- Dark leafy green veggies like turnip, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, and asparagus
- Peanuts
- Sunflower seeds
- Fresh fruits, fruit juices
- Whole grains
- Liver
- Seafood
If you find it difficult to add these foods into your everyday diet, you can also seek supplementation. Check out our sister company PuraTHRIVE for many of your supplement needs – especially for their Vitamin C and Vitamin B12!
Of course, there are other ways to care for your nails that will help strengthen them.
Such as:
Moisturize them. Try a dedicated nail oil or a hand lotion with alpha hydroxy acid or lanolin. If nails are soft but brittle, they may be too moist so cut back on the moisturizer.
Limit your manicures. Limit the number of manicures you get to avoid subjecting your nails to the chemicals in nail polish and polish removers. Especially avoid acetone-based nail polish removers if you can. For soft, brittle nails, a layer of nail polish may actually help strengthen them.
Avoid frequent use of alcohol-based sanitizers. Hand sanitizers are a convenient way to keep germs away when soap and water aren’t available. However, alcohol-based ones can really dry out our skin and nails. So try to limit the use if you are experiencing concerns with your nails.
Wear gloves as much as you can when cleaning. When washing dishes or doing housework, wear rubber gloves to protect your fingernails from chemicals and anything else that may damage them.
Try to incorporate these foods and tips into your everyday routine and see the difference they could make in your nails!
Homemade Hair Growth Conditioner
Have you been looking for a conditioner that will help replenish lost moisture and encourage healthy and fast hair growth? Unable to find one that you like?
Why not make your own?
We are living in a DIY era. We LOVE making our own concoctions from home. Food recipes and beauty recipes!
The best thing about making our own is…
We get to ensure there are no ingredients added that we may feel are harmful to us.
And a homemade hair conditioner is a great way to get the best ingredients for your hair.
This is a hair growth conditioner my friend told me about. And she RAVED about it!
Not only did her hair look AMAZING, but she said it also helped with the damage so her hair could grow in more healthy, which also meant it looks more full!
This nourishing DIY conditioner was made to encourage hair growth and revitalize dry, damaged hair.
Let me tell you about it!
Here’s What You Will Need:
- 4 tbsp shea butter
- 1 tbsp argan oil
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp aloe vera gel
- 7 drops rosemary essential oil
- 3-4 capsules vitamin E oil
So now you know what you need, let me tell you WHY these ingredients are so important:
Shea Butter: Shea butter is a thick hydrating butter that works to penetrate the hair shaft to strengthen hair follicles, prevent hair thinning and hair loss, and actually encourage healthy hair growth. Shea butter has the ability to remedy itchy scalp for all hair types as well.

Argan Oil: This oil works to control frizz, add shine, and can bring back moisture to otherwise dry, damaged hair.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a must in my house. I use it for so many beauty DIY’s! Coconut oil moisturizes and hydrates dry and damaged hair-primarily due to its Omega-3 fatty acids. The Omega’s in coconut oil can also help reduce breakage and strengthen hair strands.

Aloe Vera Gel: You likely already have this in your house, especially if you or your little ones are prone to sunburns. Aloe vera gel can help exfoliate the scalp, making growth much easier. It also can alleviate some scalp issues such as an itchy and dry scalp.

Rosemary Essential Oil: Rosemary oil has been used commonly for years for hair growth. It also nourishes the scalp and doesn’t leave it feeling dry or itchy. Rosemary essential oil strengthens circulation, which can help hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E contains antioxidant properties which can help repair damaged hair follicles, prevent dead skin cell buildup, and also prevent hair loss and hair thinning. When used on a regular basis, vitamin E oil can really help in growing the hair as well as thickening it.

Making The Conditioner
- In a double boiler, melt the shea butter, argan oil, and coconut oil.
- Stir occasionally until everything is melted and combined.
- Allow the oils to cool but not solidify.
- Transfer them to a clean food processor or blender and blend at high speed.
- Slowly add in the aloe vera gel and blend for 3-5 minutes until the mixture becomes creamy.
- Then, add in the essential oil and vitamin E oil and blend until well mixed.
Applying The Conditioner
- Apply the mixture to recently washed but dry hair, or damp hair, starting at the scalp and massaging in slow, circular motions. Massage gently into the scalp for 3-5 minutes to promote blood flow.
- Saturate the entire hair and leave it on for 20-30 minutes if possible. You can adjust this based on how much time you have.
TIP: Slip on a shower cap or a thin towel to prevent stains on any clothing. - Rinse out well.
- Use 2-3 times a week to strengthen weak, fine, and damaged hair, and to encourage fast hair growth, and smooth out frizzy hair.
- The conditioner should last 3-4 months provided you keep it away from water.
- If you keep it in the fridge, it will last longer.
- You can substitute the aloe vera for water, but your conditioner will not last very long.
Try it out and see how it works for you 🙂
Mouth-Watering Milkshake with a Twist!
No matter how old I get…
I can never turn down a milkshake.
You can make them with so many flavor options and ingredients!
And it’s a treat that even vegetarians and those with lactose intolerance can enjoy if you substitute for specialty ingredients.
My father and I used to go to our local ice cream shop every Sunday for the BEST milkshakes around.
But when they closed, we were left craving them and no other place filled that void. They just weren’t the same.
So I began experimenting with making my own. I mean…how hard could it be?
Well, it was a bit more difficult than I expected to really nail down that flavor I was looking for.
I added a special ingredient that was like the cherry on top for flavor! (And no it’s not cherries!)
But not just any caramel.
It’s actually Complete Collagen+. So not only are you getting that caramel flavor, but you’re also giving your body all the amazing benefits that come with it!
Seems like a win-win right?
It is!
Here is the milkshake recipe that took me YEARS to nail down. And of course, feel free to substitute with any ingredients that best suit your dietary needs.
I hope you love it as much as I do!
Mouth Watering Milkshake with a Twist!
TIP: A perfect milkshake is thick enough for a spoon to stand in but still drinkable.

- 1-pint ice cream (about 2 cups) My fav is just a plain low-fat vanilla ice cream
- 2/3 cup milk, feel free to use almond milk, lactose milk, or whatever may best suit you!
- 1 packet of Complete Collagen+.
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- 1tbsp Malted Milk Powder
Mix-in and topping options:
- Syrup or sauce (I sometimes even add a little bit more Complete my caramel topping!)
- Whipped cream
- Sprinkles
- Finely chopped nuts
- Let the ice cream soften. Let 1-pint ice cream sit out at room temperature until it starts to soften, 10 to 15 minutes (softened ice cream will blend with ease and require less milk to get things moving). Give the container a little squeeze – it shouldn’t be rock hard and should give slightly when it’s ready.
- Chill your glasses and chop any mix-ins. If you have room in your freezer, stick 2 tall drinking glasses in there, or even chill them in the refrigerator. This will ensure the milkshake stays cold as long as possible. Coarsely chop until you have 1/2 cup mix-ins of your choice. You want the pieces to be about 1/2-inch.
- Layer the ingredients in the blender. Layer the ingredients in your blender in this order: 2/3 cup milk, Complete Collagen+, and softened ice cream. Don’t put in any mix-ins yet!
- Blend the milkshake. Starting with the lowest speed and working your way up to medium speed, blend until the milkshake is smooth and pourable – usually about 1 minute. Stop the blender and be sure to scrape down the sides or stir as needed to keep things moving. You want a final consistency that pours like lava!
- Add in the mix-ins. If using mix-ins, add 1/2 cup to the blender and stir it in so that it’s submerged. Pulse a few times (6 to 8 pulses) to just combine, BUT try not to overmix or the mix-ins will pulverize and make the milkshake gritty. And no one likes a gritty milkshake!
- Serve the milkshake. Divide the milkshake between the glasses. Garnish with toppings as desired. For me, I drizzle a bit more Complete Collagen+ on top.
- And last but not least. ENJOY!!!
I hope you enjoy this milkshake as much as I do!!
How “Adrenal Fatigue” May Be Affecting You
Do you feel tired every day, but you don’t know why? Have you scoured the internet, visited doctors, talked to nutritionists, and you still can’t figure it out?
There’s something I recently read about that I’d like to share with you. Because though it may not be the answer to your chronic fatigue, it may be playing some role in how you’re feeling.
So, what is it?
First, let’s talk about cortisol…
You may have heard of cortisol before. It’s been dubbed the stress hormone. There’s a good reason for that. But besides playing a role in your body’s response to stress, cortisol has another function.
When you wake up in the morning, your body releases cortisol, helping you wake up. By the end of the day, your cortisol levels should be at their lowest, and melatonin levels should be rising, getting you ready for a night of rest.
But there’s the problem…
Whenever you encounter a stressful situation, your body releases more cortisol. Whether it’s from getting cut off in traffic or having a dispute with a loved one — cortisol gets released.
Cortisol has helped us survive as a species. Not because we need cortisol to win an argument with our siblings, but because when our ancestors would encounter a stressful situation in the wild, we had to focus on that, and nothing more. That’s what cortisol does for your brain. Mixed with adrenaline — which tells your heart to start beating faster — it allows you to focus on the dire issue at hand.
But your body can’t tell the difference between a predator hunting you in the wild, and your coworker eating your lunch again. This is why it’s up to us to try and manage our cortisol levels.
Why? What’s the big deal?
When cortisol levels are too high for too long, the result can be a range of health issues. This could involve trouble sleeping, heart problems, weight issues, reduced cognition, mood swings, and more.
But it can also lead to something else — perhaps the reason why you’re so frequently tired…
Adrenal fatigue
Everyone has two adrenal glands, located at the top of the kidneys. These glands put out over 50 hormones, including cortisol, DHA, estrogen, and testosterone. However, when they are constantly working to send out cortisol, they can become worn. This can have an impact on your body’s release of hormones, which can of course have a major impact on how your body functions.
Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:
- Fatigue in the morning with “crashes” throughout the day…
- A poor stress response or mood regulation…
- Cognitive issues…
- Higher energy levels in the evening…
- Cravings for salty and sweet foods…
- Poor immunity…
- And a reliance on caffeine.
Less common, but more serious symptoms may arise if left unchecked:
- Trouble falling or staying asleep…
- Frequent need to pee…
- Loss of muscle mass…
- Mood swings…
- Unwanted weight gain…
- Decreased libido.
Adrenal fatigue is primarily the result of the adrenal glands becoming so overworked that they can no longer function normally. Though things like grief, trauma, or certain health conditions may bring it on, the main reason tends to be due to chronic stress.
How to lower cortisol release?
Cortisol is released in stressful situations. So, limiting cortisol release will have much to do with stress management.
Here are some tips to help you deal with stress and reduce the output of cortisol.
- Get adequate sleep…
- Exercise regularly…
- Be mindful of stress and stressful situations…
- Make sure you take time to laugh and have fun…
- Focus on your relationships with others…
- Take care of a pet…
- Eat healthy, nutritious foods.
Put more of your energy into things you love, and even just by doing that you may find that you’re less stressed!
Hopefully, some of these tips can help you if you think your adrenal glands may be tired. Life can be stressful, but it’s crucial to make sure we take time to focus on our health.
Collagen and stress
Did you know that stress can actually deplete collagen levels? This means that the health of your skin, hair, and nails may be suffering as well.
Help get your collagen levels back up with a collagen supplement that your body can actually absorb!
Right now, Complete Collagen + is up to 25% off — click here to buy!
References And Resources