The Secret Fat Melting Ingredients In Complete Biotin Plus

When I created Complete Biotin Plus, I wanted to deliver a highly absorbable hair growth supplement that was easy to take and actually made a difference. Based on my own experience and the many emails and reviews I receive about how it has helped others, I feel I have achieved my goal. 

But did you know most of the ingredients in Complete Biotin Plus can help with weight loss, too?

That’s right! As it turns out, many nutrients that help you get beautiful hair also help you manage your weight. If you’re wondering how they help, then keep reading. In this blog, I’ll cover the ingredients in Complete Biotin Plus that secretly help you lose weight. 

Let’s dive in!

Vitamin D and Weight Loss

While vitamin D can help regulate your hair growth cycle so you regrow the hair you shed, it can also help you lose weight. 

Interestingly, overweight people tend to have lower levels of vitamin D. [1]

While some researchers theorize that this may simply be due to a larger body size requiring more of the nutrient, many overweight people still have low levels of this important vitamin. But if they had sufficient levels of it, this could actually help them lose weight. 

This is showcased in a 2014 study where overweight women were put on an exercise and diet regimen to lose weight. Half the women were given vitamin D, while the other half received a placebo. As you may have guessed, the group who took the vitamin D lost much more weight than those not boosting their vitamin D levels. [2]

Additionally, research has found that simply raising vitamin D levels in overweight women helped decrease body fat. [3]

On the flip side, vitamin D could also prevent you from gaining weight. One study of over 4,600 elderly women found that high blood levels of vitamin D were associated with less weight gain over 4.5 years. [4]

Researchers believe the mechanisms behind vitamin D’s weight management come down to its ability to reduce the formation of new fat cells in the body while also suppressing the storage of fat cells. [5, 6]

It also regulates certain hormones that may be involved in appetite and other areas of weight management. 

Selenium and Weight Loss

Selenium plays an important role in hair health by regulating hormones through the thyroid. By this same mechanism, it can also help aid in weight loss.

See, the thyroid contains high levels of selenium, which is used to make and metabolize thyroid hormones. These hormones regulate many metabolic functions throughout the body, including how many calories you burn. [7]

Like vitamin D, taking selenium can help you on your weight loss journey. For example, in one study, overweight adults took a selenium supplement every day while on a calorie-restrictive diet. Those taking the selenium lost more weight than the ones who weren’t. [8]

Low levels of selenium are also linked to a higher body mass index (BMI). A study of over 3,200 people found that those who consume less selenium had a higher BMI. They also found that even just a small increase of regularly consumed selenium in a person’s diet corresponded to a 3-6% decrease in body fat. [9]

Black Cumin Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) and Weight Loss

Black cumin seed oil from the flowering plant Nigella sativa has proven to have several health benefits, from boosting hair growth to promoting healthy digestion. And, as you’ve likely guessed, it can also help you with weight management. 

Research has shown that black cumin seed oil can help people prevent weight gain while helping to reduce fat within the body. In fact, a review of 14 clinical trials and 5 studies published in 2022 concluded that black cumin seed oil can considerably lower weight within 6-12 weeks through various healthy changes within metabolic systems. [10, 11]

A lot of this is due to thymoquinone (TQ), a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory found in black cumin seed oil. 

Through this compound and others found in the oil, black cumin seed oil has been shown to suppress appetite for a decreased caloric intake, lower blood sugar levels, and improve insulin resistance – two crucial markers in weight management.  

Complete Biotin Plus and Weight Loss

Complete Biotin Plus - 15 single-serving pouches in a box

If Complete Biotin Plus can increase hair growth, strengthen your nails, and even protect your skin layers through keratin production… does this mean it’s the ultimate beauty supplement? 

I think YES. 

Whether you’re looking to lose weight or to prevent yourself from gaining weight, Complete Biotin Plus includes ingredients proven to enhance your metabolism, control fat storage and production, and regulate hormones that can disrupt your weight goals. 

Keep looking and feeling your best with Complete Biotin Plus.

>>> Learn how you can claim HUGE savings on your order of Complete Biotin Plus TODAY by clicking here!

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