The Benefits Of Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is exactly what it sounds like: the oil from grape seeds. Most grapeseed oil comes from the wine industry, who don’t use the seeds in their grapes. But when those seeds are pressed, a fine oil is created. 

Grapeseed oil makes for an excellent cooking oil – not just for its high smoke point (420F) and how it plays well with other tastes – but because it can offer you several health benefits. From your heart to your hair, grapeseed oil is great as a supplement, too! 

That’s what this blog is all about – the benefits of grapeseed oil. Let’s get started!

1. Supports A Healthy Heart

One of the more well known benefits of grapeseed oil is how it supports the health of the heart. Studies have shown that it improves the health in several heart-related areas, including cholesterol and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which is a mark of inflammation. [1, 2]

Research has indicated that grape seed oil would be particularly beneficial to those who are obese and looking to lose weight. For example, one study showed improvement in several heart disease risk factors after obese participants took grapeseed oil and reduced calories over a 12 week period. [3]

And a separate study showed that taking grapeseed oil daily reduced waist circumference and several inflammatory markers in people with obesity. [4]

This could be beneficial to those looking to protect their heart, as obesity is directly linked to many heart complications. [5]

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

One of the other biggest risk factors for heart disease is high blood pressure. But thankfully, this is another area where grapeseed oil shines. 

A meta-analysis from 2011 found that daily grapeseed oil consumption lowered blood pressure and heart rate to healthier levels. [6]

Again, these effects are even stronger in those with certain health conditions. For example, another meta-analysis – this one from 2016 – showed that the grapeseed oil was more beneficial for those who had obesity or high blood sugar. Interestingly enough, it also showed a higher benefit for those under the age of 50. [7]

And when it comes to blood pressure itself, a 2021 review concluded that grapeseed oil can improve blood pressure in those with hypertension (the medical term for high blood pressure). [8]

3. Boosts Hair Health

If you were just thinking that grapeseed oil seems like a hero among oils when it comes to the heart, just wait until you learn how it helps your hair!

For starters, it can prevent you from losing hair. This is largely due to its high concentration of vitamin E, which has been shown to improve hair growth in people with hair loss. This is likely due to the fact that vitamin E lowers oxidative stress, which has been linked to hair loss. [9, 10]

And grapeseed oil works holistically. Not only can it help bring a shine to your hair with the increased vitamin E, it can nourish your scalp! Research has shown that increased levels of vitamin E can increase blood flow. Increased blood supply boosts hair growth by providing the follicles with more oxygen and nutrients. [11, 12]

That’s not all grapeseed oil can help with in your scalp, however. Your scalp is simply skin, and poor scalp health is linked to unhealthy hair. Thankfully, the powerful vitamin E in grapeseed oil can support the scalp and give your hair a strong base to grow from by reducing oxidative stress and preserving the protective lipid layer. [13]

4. Promotes Longevity 

In addition to containing such a powerful antioxidant like vitamin E, grapeseed oil is also loaded with other unique antioxidants and compounds with antioxidant activity, like gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin, procyanidins, and proanthocyanidins, making it specially equipped for eliminating free radicals and the oxidative damage they cause. In fact, when tested, grape seeds were found to be the part of the grape with most antioxidants. [14]

Oxidative stress is directly linked to chronic disease. And the best way to fight it is with antioxidants. Researchers believe that high antioxidant intake is key to a healthy lifestyle. [15]

Chronic inflammation is another major precursor to most types of diseases. Thankfully, grape seed oil is also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds like omega fatty acids that fight inflammation so that you can have a healthier body for longer. [14]

5. Provides Youthful Skin 

Speaking of omega fatty acids, the compounds within them are actually quite good at protecting the health and appearance of the skin. Not to mention vitamin E, which we’ve covered is also found in grapeseed oil in high amounts, is known for hydrating skin and accelerating scar-free wound healing. [16]

The Best Way To Get Grapeseed Oil

Now, you may be wanting to start doing all of your cooking with grapeseed oil. That’s a great idea. But if you want to make sure you’re getting a reliable amount of grape seed oil every single day, I know the BEST way for you to do that…

And it’s not what you think!

You’ll be amazed at how easy (and delicious) it is to get this oil daily. No coating your tongue in a thick liquid! 

>>> Click here to learn the BEST way to get grapeseed oil every single day

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