6 Foods To Boost Your Metabolism

Ah, weight loss. Something so many of us struggle with.

Why is it that it seems so easy for us to gain weight… 

But when we want to lose it, it sticks around like glue!?

You’ve probably heard the tired phase: “With proper exercise and diet, you can lose weight.”

While that may be true, many of us are missing another key factor…

Did you know that the foods we eat can actually HELP us lose weight?

You read that right!

There are actually foods out there that work to boost your metabolism!

And let me tell you, there are some delicious foods out there that not only taste great – but they can boost your metabolism too!

Let’s have a look…

6 Foods To Boost Your Metabolism

1) Cacao

Starting with my favorite… Cacao! Cacao is a powerful superfood that can really BOOST your metabolism! 

Seems almost too good to be true, right? But it’s true!

The monounsaturated fats found in cacao have been known to boost the metabolism which stimulates the body to burn calories faster. Studies have proved that chocolate affects the way our body synthesizes fatty acids and reduces the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. Studies have also found that cacao helps to regulate energy use and metabolism while ALSO increasing feelings of fullness.

Cacao is also rich in phytonutrients and low in fat and sugar, so the calories we get from cocoa powder will be packed with healthy chemicals! In fact, my absolute FAVORITE cacao powder is this one. It’s loaded with nutrients and is low in sugar and additives. Plus it tastes delicious and can be used in all kinds of healthy chocolate recipes like, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, mochas, and much more!

Also, you may be wondering, what is the difference between cacao and cocoa… 

Well, they both come from the same plant – the cacao tree – which is native to South America. Once the cacao beans are harvested from the cacao tree, what happens next determines whether it’s considered cacao or cocoa.

To make cocoa: the beans are roasted, ground, and highly processed (additional ingredients are added such as sugar, corn syrup, dairy, artificial flavoring, and hydrogenated oils). This process causes the cacao beans to lose a significant amount of its nutritional value. 

To make cacao: the beans are simply fermented and dried (or occasionally heated at a low temperature) which allows the bean to maintain significantly more nutritional value. This form is a great source of antioxidants as well as magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium.

It’s a no brainer. When searching for a decadent metabolism-boosting superfood, cacao is the way to go!  

2) Fruit

It must be noted that NOT ALL FRUITS contain metabolism-boosting properties… 

However, there are certain fruits that are known to help boost your metabolism!

Those fruits include:

  • Melons: Melons, such as Watermelon, Cantaloupe and Honeydew, contain potassium, which helps create glycogen. Glycogen is a substance produced by the liver that helps burn calories in the body.
  • Apricots: Small but mighty, they are packed with all-important iron! Low iron can slow down metabolism. So these fruits being jammed full of iron can help quicken up your metabolism. In fact, just two to three fresh apricots per day can supply us almost 20% of your daily need for iron! That is pretty impressive, right?
  • Avocado: Avocado is high in healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which allows us to feel more full. A study published in November 2013 in Nutrition Journal found that adding just half an avocado at lunch may help overweight people feel more satisfied and reduce their desire to eat in the hours following a meal.
  • Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away! We have all heard that saying, but it really is true! Apples are high in fiber and contain vitamin C. They also contain vitamin B, which helps the body turn protein, fat, and carbs into energy. As well as vitamin K, which metabolizes protein and keeps our blood flowing. Apples also contain pectin; when pectin binds with water in your body, it limits the amount of fat the cells of your body can absorb. That can help reduce the amount of visceral fat (aka belly fat) your body has.

3) Chili & Cayenne Peppers

Calling all spicy fans! Chili peppers contain a chemical called Capsaicin, which has been found to help boost metabolism by increasing the number calories and fat the body burns. A review of 20 research studies reports that capsaicin can help your body burn around 50 extra calories per day.

It does this through a process called diet-induced thermogenesis, which causes an increase in your metabolism.

However-spicy foods are not for everyone so don’t overdo it on the spices if you are not a spicy food lover! Spicy foods can also cause heartburn and make you feel a tad uncomfortable… So, if you want to give the pepper a try, please do so cautiously and in small amounts!

4) Water

Water does so much for us – it is no wonder it can also help our metabolism!

Studies have shown that drinking 17 ounces (0.5 liters) of water increases resting metabolism by 10–30% for about an hour. This can be even greater if if its COLD water as your body uses energy to heat it up to body temperature

Water is also something that helps fill us up. Studies show that drinking water a half an hour before you eat can help you eat less.

5) Protein-Rich Foods

Protein is said to be one of the best nutrients for weight loss.

It can help boost metabolism and has also been shown to help you feel more full and prevent you from overeating.

Protein rich foods include:

  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Legumes
  • Nuts and Seeds

These foods work to boost metabolism as they require our body to use more energy to digest them than other foods. This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). The TEF refers to the number of calories that your body needs to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in your meals.

Studies have shown that protein-rich foods increase TEF the most individuals. As they can increase your metabolic rate by 15-30%, compared to 5-10% for carbs and 0-3% for fats.

Another study found that individuals were likely to eat around 441 fewer calories per day when protein made up 30% of their diet.

So, try incorporating more protein into your diet and see what this powerful nutrient can do you for you!

6) Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has grown in popularity over the years! People are using it topically for their skin and hair, using it for cooking and adding it to their everyday meals.

But no matter how you use it, there is no denying the benefits that come with it!

Coconut oil is high in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Once MCTs are absorbed, they go directly to our liver to be turned into energy. This makes them less likely to be stored as fat.

Studies have shown that MCTs can increase metabolic rate more than longer-chain fats.

Some of the fatty acids in coconut oil can also work to reduce appetite and increase fat burning, which in turn can help us lose weight. One study found that the long-term consumption of MCT oil may help you burn more calories than a diet that’s heavier in long chain fatty acids, like olive oil, soybean oil, or avocado oil.

When your cells use MCTs instead of glucose for fuel, the body’s metabolism is boosted for up to 24 hours. And speaking of MCTs… Collagen is also a GREAT source of MCTs – especially Complete Collagen+.

With 3000mg of MCTs per tbsp, adding this delectable caramel collagen to your everyday routine can help with your metabolism and have you feeling great both inside and out!

I encourage you to add some of these everyday foods to your food repertoire and see how they can help to boost your metabolism! Stay healthy my friends! 








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