Author: everbella
The Benefits Of Grapeseed Oil
Grapeseed oil is exactly what it sounds like: the oil from grape seeds. Most grapeseed oil comes from the wine industry, who don’t use the seeds in their grapes. But when those seeds are pressed, a fine oil is created.
Grapeseed oil makes for an excellent cooking oil – not just for its high smoke point (420F) and how it plays well with other tastes – but because it can offer you several health benefits. From your heart to your hair, grapeseed oil is great as a supplement, too!
That’s what this blog is all about – the benefits of grapeseed oil. Let’s get started!
1. Supports A Healthy Heart

One of the more well known benefits of grapeseed oil is how it supports the health of the heart. Studies have shown that it improves the health in several heart-related areas, including cholesterol and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which is a mark of inflammation. [1, 2]
Research has indicated that grape seed oil would be particularly beneficial to those who are obese and looking to lose weight. For example, one study showed improvement in several heart disease risk factors after obese participants took grapeseed oil and reduced calories over a 12 week period. [3]
And a separate study showed that taking grapeseed oil daily reduced waist circumference and several inflammatory markers in people with obesity. [4]
This could be beneficial to those looking to protect their heart, as obesity is directly linked to many heart complications. [5]
2. Lowers Blood Pressure
One of the other biggest risk factors for heart disease is high blood pressure. But thankfully, this is another area where grapeseed oil shines.
A meta-analysis from 2011 found that daily grapeseed oil consumption lowered blood pressure and heart rate to healthier levels. [6]
Again, these effects are even stronger in those with certain health conditions. For example, another meta-analysis – this one from 2016 – showed that the grapeseed oil was more beneficial for those who had obesity or high blood sugar. Interestingly enough, it also showed a higher benefit for those under the age of 50. [7]
And when it comes to blood pressure itself, a 2021 review concluded that grapeseed oil can improve blood pressure in those with hypertension (the medical term for high blood pressure). [8]
3. Boosts Hair Health

If you were just thinking that grapeseed oil seems like a hero among oils when it comes to the heart, just wait until you learn how it helps your hair!
For starters, it can prevent you from losing hair. This is largely due to its high concentration of vitamin E, which has been shown to improve hair growth in people with hair loss. This is likely due to the fact that vitamin E lowers oxidative stress, which has been linked to hair loss. [9, 10]
And grapeseed oil works holistically. Not only can it help bring a shine to your hair with the increased vitamin E, it can nourish your scalp! Research has shown that increased levels of vitamin E can increase blood flow. Increased blood supply boosts hair growth by providing the follicles with more oxygen and nutrients. [11, 12]
That’s not all grapeseed oil can help with in your scalp, however. Your scalp is simply skin, and poor scalp health is linked to unhealthy hair. Thankfully, the powerful vitamin E in grapeseed oil can support the scalp and give your hair a strong base to grow from by reducing oxidative stress and preserving the protective lipid layer. [13]
4. Promotes Longevity
In addition to containing such a powerful antioxidant like vitamin E, grapeseed oil is also loaded with other unique antioxidants and compounds with antioxidant activity, like gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin, procyanidins, and proanthocyanidins, making it specially equipped for eliminating free radicals and the oxidative damage they cause. In fact, when tested, grape seeds were found to be the part of the grape with most antioxidants. [14]
Oxidative stress is directly linked to chronic disease. And the best way to fight it is with antioxidants. Researchers believe that high antioxidant intake is key to a healthy lifestyle. [15]
Chronic inflammation is another major precursor to most types of diseases. Thankfully, grape seed oil is also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds like omega fatty acids that fight inflammation so that you can have a healthier body for longer. [14]
5. Provides Youthful Skin
Speaking of omega fatty acids, the compounds within them are actually quite good at protecting the health and appearance of the skin. Not to mention vitamin E, which we’ve covered is also found in grapeseed oil in high amounts, is known for hydrating skin and accelerating scar-free wound healing. [16]
The Best Way To Get Grapeseed Oil
Now, you may be wanting to start doing all of your cooking with grapeseed oil. That’s a great idea. But if you want to make sure you’re getting a reliable amount of grape seed oil every single day, I know the BEST way for you to do that…
And it’s not what you think!
You’ll be amazed at how easy (and delicious) it is to get this oil daily. No coating your tongue in a thick liquid!
>>> Click here to learn the BEST way to get grapeseed oil every single day
Homemade Hair Growth Shampoo

Did you know that you can make your own shampoo at home? It’s pretty cool! Instead of standing in the shampoo aisle at the grocery store reading ingredient lists, hoping to find a bottle with the right stuff in it, you can just go ahead and make your own at home!
By making your own shampoo, you can pick and choose ingredients for your goals, like the ones in the recipe I’m going to share with you today that boost hair growth!
Now, you’re going to have to buy a few things first, but it shouldn’t be any more expensive than a bottle of high-quality shampoo. Plus, these are ingredients you can put towards other things as well, and you can make multiple bottles out of them!
Let’s take a look at the base of your shampoo:
A natural soap base – Something like Castile Soap, which is versatile, contains no synthetic ingredients, and is made of vegetable oils.
Coconut milk – Coconut milk not only adds a creamy texture to make lathering easier, but it’s full of vitamins that nourish hair and prevent loss.
Vitamin E oil – This powerful nutrient is great for the health of your scalp and your hair. It can increase shine, reduce breakage, and lock in moisture.
Olive oil – Olive oil isn’t just great for cooking; it can also help treat dry and damaged hair by soothing hair fibers. It can also eliminate bacteria on the scalp, treat itchiness, eliminate the buildup of dead skin, and clear dandruff.
Now, here comes the fun part – adding in essential oils for various benefits!
Once you have your base made (see recipe below for quantities), you can add various essential oils that offer unique benefits for the hair and scalp.

For this recipe, we’re going to add the following oils:
Rosemary essential oil – Rosemary oil boosts hair follicles by increasing blood circulation, allowing them to receive more oxygen and nutrients. This nourishes them for healthier hair growth.
Lavender essential oil – Lavender oil helps promote hair growth and prevent thinning by nourishing the hair follicles and protecting the scalp from inflammation and bacteria. On top of that, it has a calming fragrance that can relax you.
Tea Tree essential oil – Tea tree oil cleanses hair of built-up chemicals and dead skin cells, keeping it healthy, moisturized, soft, and shiny.
The recipe:
Now that you’re familiar with all of the ingredients, let’s put it all together!
In a mason jar or sealable bottle, add the following:
- ⅔ cups Castille Liquid Soap (or equivalent)
- ⅔ cups coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 10 drops rosemary essential oil
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 10 drops tea tree essential oil
Combine all the ingredients in the jar/bottle, then stir well (or close the lid and shake).
When you shower, use it like you would any shampoo, leaving in your hair for at least five minutes.
Remember, you can play around with the ingredients. Feel free to look at other types of essential oils to add in based on their benefits. When it comes to making your own shampoo, the world is your oyster!
Hair care from the inside out
While this shampoo recipe can help nourish your hair on the outside…
You still want to make sure that you’re providing your hair and follicles with the nutrients needed to grow strong and healthy hair.
EverBella’s hair-boosting formula can do just that!
Should You Take Collagen And Biotin Together?
When perusing EverBella products, you may notice that my most popular supplements are Complete Collagen Plus and Complete Biotin Plus. If you’re looking for ways to slow skin aging, maintain thick and healthy hair, and grow strong nails, you may wonder which of these two you should choose.
Both collagen and biotin are crucial for beauty. They play integral parts in the health of your skin, nails, and hair. But that’s just on the outside. On the inside, both of these nutrients offer several health benefits. Understanding these benefits may help you make a more informed decision as to which one of these you should take.
Or, perhaps in this blog, you’ll learn why you want to be taking BOTH of these together.
Let’s start with collagen.
The Benefits Of Collagen
Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the human body. As such, ensuring you have healthy levels of it at all times is critical for not just the appearance of your skin but the structure and function of several organs.
As such, when you take a collagen supplement, you can expect a wide range of positive health effects. These include:

Improved skin health – Studies have shown that a good quality collagen supplement supports skin elasticity, locks in moisture for hydrated skin, and promotes a youthful texture. [1]
Healthier hair – Collagen offers many amino acids needed to make keratin, the main protein that makes up your hair. [2]
Stronger nails – One study found that supplementing with collagen every day led to better nail health after 24 weeks, including better growth rates, reduced breakage, and improved appearance. [3]
Healthier gut – Research shows that collagen can support your gut health, mainly through strengthening the gut lining. [4]
Protected joints – Collagen makes up a lot of your joint cartilage, and maintaining healthy levels in the joints can help you retain proper mobility as you age. [5]
Supported muscles and bones – For the same reason that collagen protects your joints, it maintains the integrity, strength, and density of your muscles and bones, which both contain high levels of the protein. [6, 7, 8]
The Benefits Of Biotin
Biotin is one of the B vitamins – vitamin B7 – and is an essential nutrient. It helps keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy. It also converts the food you eat into energy.
It’s mostly recognized for its beauty effects as it is involved in the production of keratin, a protein that is one of the main components of hair and found in high levels within the skin. [9]
The benefits of taking biotin are mostly related to beauty, including:

Thicker hair – Research shows that those with low levels of biotin tend to lose their hair in high quantities, and supplementing increases growth. [10, 11]
Protected skin – Your skin layers rely on keratin for protection and structural integrity, constantly needing to produce more as the keratin works through the skin layers and ultimately sheds on the outer layer. [12]
Stronger nails – Keratin is also a main component of your nails, which is why studies have shown that biotin can support the thickness and firmness of nails. [13]
Healthier pregnancy – Nearly 50% of pregnant women develop a biotin deficiency, as this vitamin is crucial for fetal development. This is why biotin supplementation for pregnant women is recommended. [14]
Lower blood sugar levels – Research has shown that taking biotin supplements may regulate insulin within the pancreas, stabilizing blood sugar levels. [15]
Collagen And Biotin Together
Individually, collagen and biotin offer you their own unique benefits, but also some similar benefits that complement each other. This is especially true for the health of your skin, nails, and hair.
I tell most people who are set on choosing one or the other that they should take collagen if they want more focus on skin health and biotin if they’re more concerned about their hair.
But taking both collagen and biotin together simultaneously is the ultimate combo.
This is especially true for your skin. And it isn’t just me saying this, but the scientific research.
For example, one study showed that combining both further improved skin hydration, elasticity, smoothness, and density. [16]
And another study showed that skin appeared more youthful in those taking both, with researchers noting an improvement in collagen structure within facial skin. [17]
If you want to be serious about turning back the clock on your skin and protecting yourself from signs of aging, it’s key to take two of the highest-quality beauty supplements on the market – Complete Collagen Plus and Complete Biotin Plus.
>>> Click here to save 30% on BOTH of these products (and claim free shipping) by shopping my Father’s Day Sale
The Secret Fat Melting Ingredients In Complete Biotin Plus
When I created Complete Biotin Plus, I wanted to deliver a highly absorbable hair growth supplement that was easy to take and actually made a difference. Based on my own experience and the many emails and reviews I receive about how it has helped others, I feel I have achieved my goal.
But did you know most of the ingredients in Complete Biotin Plus can help with weight loss, too?
That’s right! As it turns out, many nutrients that help you get beautiful hair also help you manage your weight. If you’re wondering how they help, then keep reading. In this blog, I’ll cover the ingredients in Complete Biotin Plus that secretly help you lose weight.
Let’s dive in!
Vitamin D and Weight Loss

While vitamin D can help regulate your hair growth cycle so you regrow the hair you shed, it can also help you lose weight.
Interestingly, overweight people tend to have lower levels of vitamin D. [1]
While some researchers theorize that this may simply be due to a larger body size requiring more of the nutrient, many overweight people still have low levels of this important vitamin. But if they had sufficient levels of it, this could actually help them lose weight.
This is showcased in a 2014 study where overweight women were put on an exercise and diet regimen to lose weight. Half the women were given vitamin D, while the other half received a placebo. As you may have guessed, the group who took the vitamin D lost much more weight than those not boosting their vitamin D levels. [2]
Additionally, research has found that simply raising vitamin D levels in overweight women helped decrease body fat. [3]
On the flip side, vitamin D could also prevent you from gaining weight. One study of over 4,600 elderly women found that high blood levels of vitamin D were associated with less weight gain over 4.5 years. [4]
Researchers believe the mechanisms behind vitamin D’s weight management come down to its ability to reduce the formation of new fat cells in the body while also suppressing the storage of fat cells. [5, 6]
It also regulates certain hormones that may be involved in appetite and other areas of weight management.
Selenium and Weight Loss

Selenium plays an important role in hair health by regulating hormones through the thyroid. By this same mechanism, it can also help aid in weight loss.
See, the thyroid contains high levels of selenium, which is used to make and metabolize thyroid hormones. These hormones regulate many metabolic functions throughout the body, including how many calories you burn. [7]
Like vitamin D, taking selenium can help you on your weight loss journey. For example, in one study, overweight adults took a selenium supplement every day while on a calorie-restrictive diet. Those taking the selenium lost more weight than the ones who weren’t. [8]
Low levels of selenium are also linked to a higher body mass index (BMI). A study of over 3,200 people found that those who consume less selenium had a higher BMI. They also found that even just a small increase of regularly consumed selenium in a person’s diet corresponded to a 3-6% decrease in body fat. [9]
Black Cumin Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) and Weight Loss

Black cumin seed oil from the flowering plant Nigella sativa has proven to have several health benefits, from boosting hair growth to promoting healthy digestion. And, as you’ve likely guessed, it can also help you with weight management.
Research has shown that black cumin seed oil can help people prevent weight gain while helping to reduce fat within the body. In fact, a review of 14 clinical trials and 5 studies published in 2022 concluded that black cumin seed oil can considerably lower weight within 6-12 weeks through various healthy changes within metabolic systems. [10, 11]
A lot of this is due to thymoquinone (TQ), a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory found in black cumin seed oil.
Through this compound and others found in the oil, black cumin seed oil has been shown to suppress appetite for a decreased caloric intake, lower blood sugar levels, and improve insulin resistance – two crucial markers in weight management.
Complete Biotin Plus and Weight Loss

If Complete Biotin Plus can increase hair growth, strengthen your nails, and even protect your skin layers through keratin production… does this mean it’s the ultimate beauty supplement?
I think YES.
Whether you’re looking to lose weight or to prevent yourself from gaining weight, Complete Biotin Plus includes ingredients proven to enhance your metabolism, control fat storage and production, and regulate hormones that can disrupt your weight goals.
Keep looking and feeling your best with Complete Biotin Plus.
>>> Learn how you can claim HUGE savings on your order of Complete Biotin Plus TODAY by clicking here!
CBD + Collagen = A Magic Skin Combo
If you’re like most women (including me!) then the health of your skin is super important to you. The health of your skin can determine how dry it is, if it appears thick or thin, wrinkles, sagginess, blemishes, and more.
In short, your skin is the top determining factor in how old you look.
Thankfully, in our modern day and age, we understand what harms the skin and what makes it healthier. And today I want to talk to you about two major powerhouses when it comes to skin health and why you should take them together!
The duo is CBD and collagen. But what makes them so great together? Before we get into that, let’s take a look at them separately…

What is CBD?
CBD – short for cannabidiol – is one of the best understood and most studied cannabinoids in the cannabis sativa plant. With its legalization in 2018, even more studies have come out on this incredible compound.
Before we get into those benefits and how CBD specifically helps the skin, it’s important to know that CBD cannot get you “high” or alter your thinking at all. That’s THC, another prevalent cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. And unless specifically stated, most CBD supplements do not have more than 0.3% THC – levels far too low to have any affect on your body.
The benefits of CBD
CBD has many proven benefits through years of rigorous research. These include…
Improves sleep – A large case series from 2019 found that CBD use improved sleep in participants by nearly 67% after just one month! When we’re stressed, our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol. Dubbed “the stress hormone,” cortisol can negatively impact sleeping patterns. But according to research, CBD can help regulate cortisol levels, helping us to relax. [1, 2]
Supports joint health and eases pain – CBD can lower aches and discomfort within the joints by helping manage inflammation. Research has shown that CBD reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory cells in the body, all while increasing the levels and effectiveness of crucial immune cells. CBD has also been found to target the areas of the joints suffering from chronic inflammation in those with rheumatoid arthritis, providing relief. And if all of that wasn’t enough, CBD can also help strengthen the tissue of the joints. An analysis of CBD joint studies concluded that there is sufficient evidence that CBD may be able to both reduce cartilage degradation and facilitate cartilage repair. [3, 4, 5]

Protects and supports brain cells – Ongoing research is showing that CBD may have neuroprotective properties, specifically against cognitive decline and certain conditions and disorders of the brain. One of the main factors in cognitive decline has to do with oxidative stress and inflammation. These cause damage to neurons, inhibiting proper brain function. Thankfully, CBD has been shown to offer protective effects in the brain by reducing these factors while also helping to repair and replace neurons, supporting cognition. [6, 7, 8]
Relieves anxiety and depression – CBD helps increase levels of what’s been dubbed the “bliss molecule” – a neurotransmitter called anandamide. Researchers believe that a deficiency in endocannabinoids, such as anandamide, can lead to depression, migraines, and other conditions of the brain and nervous system. [9, 10]
Relieves menstrual pain – A recent review of studies that looked into CBD as an aid for PMS showed that the compound could be helpful in providing relief to many of the symptoms involved with the syndrome. Another study from 2015 found that CBD may help provide menstrual cramp relief due to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. [11, 12]
Boosts immunity – CBD can help boost the immune system and protect against infection. Research has shown that the compound helps regulate the immune system for a more robust and targeted response. [13]
Increases hair growth – Certain cannabinoid receptors have been found to be key players in hair follicle growth. CBD has also been shown to help the hair properly cycle through its growth phases and it may help regulate hormones which are often involved in hair loss conditions. [14, 15]
But what about CBD and the skin?
When it comes to the skin, CBD offers incredible effects. Most skin issues stem from oxidative stress and inflammation. These are two areas where CBD offers invaluable support, eliminating unnecessary inflammation and destroying the free radicals that cause oxidative stress.
As such, CBD offers plenty of benefits within the skin: [16]

Clears up acne – One of the most common skin disorders in the world, acne affects people of all ages. It’s caused by increased sebum (natural skin oil) production, along with inflammation of the gland which produces this oil. But research has shown that topical CBD can help regulate sebum production, all while reducing inflammation!
Skin tumors – Tumors of the skin are the most common malignancies in humans. As such, combating them has been an extensive area of research. Thankfully, CBD has been shown to be an effective treatment for these. Research shows CBD can kill skin tumor cells and prevent them from populating.
Heals wounds – Considering CBD interacts with mechanisms in your body that regulate the protein structures of your skin, along with skin inflammation, it’s no surprise that CBD can help cuts and scrapes heal at a faster rate. By stimulating certain immune cells and fibrous proteins within the skin, CBD helps wounds heal more efficiently.
Alleviates rashes and psoriasis – Skin conditions that result in a rash of itchy, scaly patches are the result of inflammation and an unbalanced immune system. Thankfully, through various mechanisms, CBD has been shown to help rebalance immunity. For example, two studies in psoriasis patients – one from 2019 and another from 2020 – showed that topical CBD improved skin hydration and elasticity all while reducing inflammation, itching, and burning. [17, 18]
Reduces itchiness – Many skin conditions can cause itchiness. But once again, CBD comes to the rescue! One study had participants experiencing itchiness apply a CBD cream to the itchy area every day for three weeks. At the end of the study, 52% of them reported significantly reduced itchiness, while 38% of them stated that the itchiness was completely gone.
Even if you’re not experiencing skin issues, CBD can help prevent them from ever happening.
CBD interacts with receptors within the skin that directly affect skin homeostasis and barrier function – two critical factors that determine skin health. [19]
So not only is CBD the answer to any skin woes, it’s also the ultimate skin protector.
But why should you be taking it with collagen?
Collagen recap
Collagen makes up 30% of the protein in the human body, making it the most prevelant protein in your body. That alone should tell you everything you need to know about its importance.
Collagen is so prevalent because it’s a structural protein. It’s easiest to think of collagen as the glue that holds everything together, because it kind of is! This includes within your skin.
The good news is that your body naturally produces collagen. The bad news is that this production starts to slow down after the age of 25, with both the amount and quality of the collagen diminishing. Factors such as stress, pollution, processed foods, cigarettes, alcohol, and even menopause can severely diminish collagen levels as well.
This is why boosting and maintaining levels with EverBella’s highly absorbable collagen, Complete Collagen Plus, is super important.
In short, collagen is literally what keeps your skin together and the only reason we get wrinkles, saggy skin, and start to look older with each year is due to our collagen lowering in both quality and numbers.
Collagen + CBD
As mentioned, collagen plays a crucial role in protecting and maintaining your skin structure and strength, which are both impacted by the aging process. Increased intake of the protein has also been found to reduce the visible signs of aging within the skin, including fine lines and wrinkles. [20, 21]
And as I discussed, CBD is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory within the skin. This protects your skin from the signs of aging by stopping collagen from breaking down. This means that the collagen within your body can last longer. [22]
But that’s not all.
CBD also strengthens your collagen by enhancing collagen’s ability to link together, creating firmer bonds (meaning firmer skin). [23]
CBD for your skin
Taking in collagen to boost and maintain your levels with a supplement like Complete Collagen Plus is one thing. But helping that collagen to bind together better, last longer, and be stronger is another.
EverBella’s sister company can help you deliver high-quality CBD into your skin.
SomaLeaf’s Soothe roll-on stick not only smells amazing, it SOOTHES your skin, protects it from inflammation, strengthens your collagen, and locks in moisture.
Plus, Soothe also contains 24 other skin-boosting compounds that have been carefully selected to make your skin GLOW!
Learn what they all are and how they can help you (including by HEALING scars) by clicking here >>>
Two Ingredients For Oil-Free Skin – Grape Seed Extract And Bamboo Leaf

Everyone has oil on their skin. Each of our pores contains what’s called a “sebaceous gland” that produces a natural oil called sebum. This oil is good for your skin, keeping it healthy and hydrated.
But sometimes, these glands can produce too much oil, causing your skin to look wet, shiny, and greasy, even shortly after you’ve just washed your face.
If you have overly oily skin, you may be wondering what you can do about it. Well, I’m here to help! I’m going to tell you about the causes of oily skin, along with two incredible natural ingredients that can help stop your skin from being so oily.
Let’s start with what may be causing your oily skin…
7 things that cause oily skin
Genetics – Research indicates that if a parent has oily skin, you’re more likely to have oily skin as well.
Age – As we age, sebum production slows down. While this allows for less oily skin, it’s also why those who are older tend to have dry skin. As such, if you have oily skin, your skin may actually age slower!
Where you live – If you live somewhere hot or humid, then your skin is more likely to be oily.
Enlarged pores – Larger pores tend to produce more oil.
Bad skincare products – If you have oily skin, don’t use oil-based products or creams that are too heavy.
Overdoing your skincare routine – If you’re washing too much, you’re stripping away your natural oils. And while this may seem like the right thing to do, it can actually put your sebum production into overdrive while your glands try to make up for the lost oil.
Skipping your moisturizer – Similarly, if you’re washing but not moisturizing, your glands may be forcing themselves to work overtime to boost oil production.
While these may cause oily skin, what can you do to stop them? If you have oily skin and feel like you’ve tried everything to no avail, keep reading! There are two ingredients that can help you lower the amount of oil on your skin.
Ingredient #1: Grapeseed oil

What is grapeseed oil?
Grapeseed oil is a type of vegetable oil derived from the seed of, you guessed it, grapes! Tons of grapeseeds are put aside by the wine industry each year, and the beauty industry gets to take those seeds and make an oil out of them to help, among other things, reduce the oil in our skin.
How does grapeseed oil reduce oily skin?
It may seem like fighting fire with fire to use a type of oil to reduce the oil on your skin, but it actually works!
One of the main reasons is that grapeseed oil is a good source of linoleic acid. Sometimes called vitamin F, linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid – an essential omega-6 fatty acid that is needed for the proper function of the body.
One of the functions in the body that linoleic acid is responsible for is sebum production. It helps balance the production of oil in the skin, which is why people with skin that is either too oily or too dry tend to have low levels of this omega-6 fatty acid.
Additionally, linoleic acid helps make your sebum thinner. Sometimes sebum is produced too thick, and it gets caught in the pores, causing build-up and acne. But linoleic acid helps prevent your sebum from building up.
If you want to boost linoleic acid levels and help regulate sebum production while ensuring your sebum isn’t so thick that it’s causing pore blockage, make sure you’re taking a natural ingredient like grapeseed oil that’s high in linoleic acid.
Ingredient #2: Bamboo leaf extract

What is bamboo leaf extract?
Bamboo is a plant native to Asia, and its leaves offer several health benefits, especially for the skin. It’s often included in beauty products because it’s a natural source of silicon dioxide, also known as silica, which boosts collagen production, increases skin strength, and boosts hair growth.
But it also has another benefit – reducing oily skin.
How does bamboo leaf extract reduce oily skin?
Outside of promoting general health for the skin, bamboo leaf extract helps to reduce oily skin by sending what are called porous particles to the skin. These natural particles actually absorb excess sebum from the skin when your glands make too much, allowing you to have balanced skin even if too much oil is produced!
How to get both of these ingredients at once

Reading this, you may be trying to decide which of these ingredients you want to go buy to help balance the oil on your skin.
But here’s the thing – you can get them BOTH in the same place!
EverBella’s NutraBoost Gummies contain grape seed oil and bamboo leaf extract so that you can have healthy-looking skin without having to buy a bunch of different products (products that might be stripping oils from your skin, causing your glands to overproduce sebum).