Four Amazing Collagen Studies From 2023

In the health and beauty world, we’re constantly bombarded with the next big thing that will change out hair and skin for good. But these typically almost always end up being another fad or trend, with the one study it was hanging on being debunked. Then it disappears into the past and a new trend comes along. 

Collagen is not a trend.

I can’t put it any more simple than this: collagen is what gives your skin structure, so maintaining proper levels is key to healthy skin free from wrinkles, sagging, thinness, or crepiness. 

Research surrounding this is overwhelming. And it’s not just your skin. Collagen provides structure to your bones, joints, and pretty much all the tissue throughout your body. 

As a result, study after study comes out every year, reminding us of the impact collagen can have on our health when we boost and maintain our levels. 

Though a TON of collagen studies were published in 2023, I want to share four interesting ones with you below. From slowing aging in your skin to increasing bone density, these studies are pretty impressive and are a great reminder that collagen isn’t going anywhere!

Study #1 – Certain Formulas Offer Higher Skin Health

Collagen supplements come in all shapes and sizes.

For example, many collagen supplements come in that chalky powder that always clumps when you try to stir it into your drink. While EverBella’s Collagen comes in delicious single-serving liquid packets that are sugar-free. But, according to this study, that’s not the only way EverBella comes out on top. 

See, collagen is a protein, meaning it’s made up of a chain of amino acids. The main amino acids that make up collagen are proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline. 

However, some collagen supplements don’t add equal parts of each of these amino acids or take into consideration that your body may need more of some amino acids than others to properly form collagen. 

This study speaks to that by showing the following:

Collagen formulas high in hydroxyproline benefit the skin much more than formulas with lower amounts of the amino acid.

The study found that participants taking a formula with higher levels of hydroxyproline increased skin collagen significantly better than more standard formulas, as did skin elasticity. 

EverBella’s Complete Collagen Plus is rich in all the amino acids needed to form structural collagen, including hydroxyproline. Plus, we wrap these amino acids in micelles and liposomes so that ALL of them successfully make it to the gut for proper absorption and collagen synthesis. 

That’s why so many people see results with Complete Collagen Plus – just click here to see what I mean.

Access to the study: 

Reference: Chen, L., Lv, Y., Xu, F., & Zhong, F. (2023). The effect of oral supplements containing collagen peptides rich in X-Hyp or X-Hyp-Gly compared with normal collagen hydrolysates on skin elasticity and collagen holes: a randomised double-blind clinical study. Food & function, 14(23), 10628–10638.  

Study #2 – Protected Bones

As mentioned earlier, collagen is the structure for many components of your body, including your bones. In fact, about 30-40% of your bones are collagen! They’re the foundation on which minerals like calcium and magnesium form to help you build strong and resilient bones. If this foundation is lacking, the minerals have no foundation and can easily break or fracture. 

This second study shows us just how crucial this foundation is for our bone health. Researchers looked at elite cyclists, who often have low bone mineral density (BMD) due to the stressful exercise constantly being placed upon their bones. 

These elite cyclists were provided with a daily dose of collagen to add to their daily exercise regimen. Researchers found that this new routine significantly increased bone density within major bones, including the hips and spine, in the cyclists.

Just like a building needs its foundation to stand, so do you. Literally. Otherwise, instead of your bones being solid bars of steel, they’d be like vulnerable sand castles with nothing of strength holding them together.

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Reference: Hilkens, L., van Schijndel, N., Weijer, V. C. R., Decroix, L., Bons, J., van Loon, L. J. C., & van Dijk, J. W. (2023). Jumping Exercise Combined With Collagen Supplementation Preserves Bone Mineral Density in Elite Cyclists. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 34(1), 38–47.

Study #3 – Younger Skin

Remember when I said most fads and trends fizzle out, usually with studies coming out showing that what we were promised about it isn’t actually true, or it was misconstrued in some way. 

Well, that still hasn’t happened with collagen. In fact, studies like this next one just keep coming up, and I wanted to include it in this post as a reminder that collagen isn’t going anywhere. It’s the real deal. 

In this study, researchers gave participants a daily dose of collagen, or a placebo, for 12 weeks. Before the trial, they measured the skin for wrinking, hydration, and elasticity. 

Following the trial, those who were taking the collagen saw a significant reduction in wrinkles and an increase in hydration and elasticity. 

Again, this is just another study out there now showing us that when we provide our body with the structural protein our skin relies on, our skin is better off for it. 

Access to the study: 

Reference: Seong, S. H., Lee, Y. I., Lee, J., Choi, S., Kim, I. A., Suk, J., Jung, I., Baeg, C., Kim, J., Oh, D., & Lee, J. H. (2024). Low-molecular-weight collagen peptides supplement promotes a healthy skin: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 23(2), 554–562.

Study #4 – Improves Arthritis Exercise Therapy

Just like your bones require collagen, so do your joints. When joints wear down, the cartilage that used to guide and cushion the movement disappears, and what’s left is bone on bone – hence why arthritis is so painful. Then, your bone starts to wear away. 

To help mitigate osteoarthritis, exercise therapy is typically prescribed. This is because ensuring that the muscles in the affected area don’t atrophy is extremely important. If your cartilage and bones are wearing away, you only have your muscles left to rely on. 

This final study I want to share with you today involved patients with knee osteoarthritis. It showed that those undergoing exercise therapy saw a considerable increase in positive changes within their knees when they added a collagen supplement to their regimen. This included knee muscle strength, range of motion, and the risk factor for a knee injury. 

Unsurprisingly, collagen is also a key part of your muscles, and other studies have shown that those who work out see an increase in muscle growth when they supplement with collagen. This is likely what we’re seeing here as well. 

Access to the study: 

Reference: Thomas, D. T., Prabhakar, A. J., Eapen, C., Patel, V. D., Palaniswamy, V., Dsouza, M. C., R, S., & Kamat, Y. D. (2023). Comparison of Single and Combined Treatment with Exercise Therapy and Collagen Supplementation on Early Knee Arthritis among Athletes-A Quasi-Randomized Trial. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(23), 7088.

What About Your Own Study?

How would you like to be part of a study? 

It’s simple! Six months. You do it yourself (or with a friend or family member) at home. And you see how a daily dose of high-quality collagen impacts your skin, muscles, joints, bones, and more! 

The best part? I’ll refund your money within six months if you’re not seeing a difference (or for ANY other reason). 

Start today, and I’ll also give you:

✅ A FREE box

✅ $0 shipping 

>>> Click here to secure YOUR supply of Complete Collagen Plus and start your study today!

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